Vlas’s day

Every year on February 24, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of St. Vlas – Vlas’s day. He lived in the 4th century, was a bishop of Sebastien and a healer, and was martyred for the sake of God.

Vlas is known for his love for people and animals: the saint took care of the poor and vulnerable in every possible way, fed and treated animals in need. That is why the martyr Vlas is considered the patron saint of wild and domestic animals.

Traditionally in Vlas’s day it is necessary to pay attention to the cattle by sprinkling and blessing them, and also to bring butter to the church for consecration. In addition, on February 24, it is necessary to treat beggars, as the holy healer Vlas used to do.

By the way, the holiday has an ancient folk background: the Christian day of memory of Vlas is associated with the pagan cult of the god Veles (guardian of livestock). Thanks to this merger of the Vlas, the day has many traditions.

Vlas's day


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