Memorial Day of the Forty Martyrs of Sebastien

The Orthodox Church celebrates March 22 every year commemoration of the Forty Sebastien Martyrs (Forty Saints).

Roman soldiers served in the city of Sevastia (the modern city of Sivas). The military leader Agricola brutally tortured the soldiers, placing them in an icy lake, and finally burned them at the stake, cutting off the legs of the Sebastien martyrs because they did not betray the faith of Christ and did not return to paganism.

Traditions on the day of commemoration of the forty Martyrs of Sebastien

  • On March 22, Great Lent is softened, believers light 40 candles and pray for protection from troubles and diseases.
  • Traditionally, 40 small buns in the form of birds are baked, which are shared or hung on trees.
  • In addition, March 22 was considered the day of the magpie, which protects the home: until this day, relatives were invited to visit, poppies were sown, pea dishes were prepared, and sorghum was trampled.

Signs on the Day of Forty Saints

  • For example, good weather predicts warmth for the next 40 days, and cold weather promises temperature spikes.
  • Nesting of birds on the sunny side portends a cold, but fruitful summer.
  • Also, on this day you cannot work, sew, clean, etc., slander and borrow.

Postcards for the Day of Remembrance of the Forty Martyrs of Sebastien

Memorial Day of the Forty Martyrs of Sebastien  Greeting card - Cards for the Day of Remembrance of the Forty Martyrs of Sebastien

Memorial Day of the Forty Martyrs of Sebastien


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