Nurse’s Day of Departments of Children’s Hematology and Oncology
Every year on September 8, the nurses of the pediatric hematology and oncology departments celebrate their professional holiday – Nurse’s Day of Departments of Children’s Hematology and Oncology. In Ukraine, approximately thousands of children are diagnosed with a malignant disease every year, of which 58% are hematological diseases and up to 42% are oncological.
With such statistics, it is difficult to overestimate the work of nurses who deal with these terrible diseases every day. Working with small patients and their loved ones, sisters give a part of their soul, let patients into their hearts and sometimes tear them out with pain. This work is difficult not only from a moral point of view, but it is also physically exhausting. Constant workloads, an extremely high level of responsibility, a pile of papers, hundreds of appointment sheets, thousands of meters traveled in the department, dozens of installed catheters and vials of medicine, liters of children’s tears rubbed, harmful vapors that have to be inhaled – this is all about them.
This date provides an opportunity to thank the nurses from the children’s hematology and oncology departments for their work, as well as draw attention to the problem of the lack of personnel for such positions.