When is National Apple Turnover Day in 2024? Have you ever heard about this holiday existence among the dates of the contemporary calendar? As a rule, the most part of modern people has never heard about it. We find this situation to be an unfair one, so today we are going to introduce you something new. Would you like to join? – We are starting!


Talking about the matter what day Apple Turnover Day in 2024 is, we would like to tell you about the historical background of the event. We know quite well, that our followers are especially interested in the historical background of the event. As a rule, this direction is of the greatest demand.

Unfortunately, we haven’t managed to find out the names of the holiday establishers as well as the reasons of its celebration on July 5th exactly. Perhaps, initially it was nothing but an amazing marketing decision, which became successful in the course of time.

However, we can’t but mention some the most ancient kinds of this dessert. Here is our list.

  • Cornish Apple Pie is the oldest one. Cornish pies can be prepared not only with apples, but also with meat, carrots, rutabagas. Once they were cooked for their husbands-miners by caring English wives. Husbands did not go up for dinner, and huge closed hearty pies were exactly what they needed to return the vital energy after hard work. In this recipe for apple pie, the dough turns out to be slightly moist and aromatic-vanilla – it is simply impossible to come off.
  • Traditional English pie is the second one. Its main idea is in a very juicy filling. It is no coincidence that a ready-made pie is often served right in the mold. Sprinkled with tender and crunchy crumb dough. It will turn out especially delicious if you add cherry to the company to the apples.
  • Bulk apple pie. For some people, a loose pie (sometimes also called “dry”) can be a real discovery! To bake it, you do not need to fiddle with the dough – you just need to mix the dry ingredients and sprinkle the grated apples with the mixture. And here’s what is amazing: “dry”, according to the name and method of preparation of the dough, the finished cake turns out to be very juicy and soft. And thanks to the crispy semolina crust, it keeps its shape well and is easy to cut. By the way, you can cook such a cake in a slow cooker.
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What does Apple Turnover Day mean? – Frankly speaking, we are not sure that we can answer this question instead of you. It is up to you to decide whether to celebrate this holiday or not.

In recent years, apple pies have become a symbol of home comfort and mastery of the hostess to maintain this very comfort. Apples can be found on the shelves at any time of the year, but their harvest season is autumn. It is in the fall that they become sweet, aromatic and beautiful.

Apart from additives in the filling, how does one apple pie differ from another? Of course, the test! The dough for an apple pie determines a lot: appearance, texture, cooking time, etc. However, one thing is unchanged – for any pie, apples are washed, peeled, and cored with seeds.

Well, and finally, we cannot but mention that, probably, there is no more homemade dish than apple pie. It is baked in every country according to its regional customs and local traditions, but it invariably gathers the huge companies of friends and family around the table. You can devote July 5 to this tasty dessert and don’t forget to invite loved ones to spend this day with you.


The question “When is International Apple Turnover Day 2024?” involves a lot of amazing pieces of information. All in all, nowadays July 5th is an amazing reason to enjoy something tasty, for example, your own pie, snacks or just baked fruit with some covering.

In general, people became to consume these products actively in the 17th century. Since then, bakers have been filling pies with fruit or meat. Then they fold the dough in half. After the edges are sealed, the cake is baked or fried. To make the cake even sweeter, it is recommended to sprinkle powdered sugar on top or make a sweet icing.

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In general, in every culture there are many recipes for such a plan. Whether your future pie is salty or sweet, dough preparation is determined by the availability of certain ingredients in the definite region. Most often, people choose fruits or other sweet additives as the filling, for example, sugar, maple syrup, or honey.

All around the planet restaurants, bakeries and even take-out eateries offer a wide variety of cakes. They can be a hearty snack or even a full meal.

Your choices are truly endless. Someone prefers caramelized apples, while others prefer these fruits cooked with cinnamon, raisins or nuts.


When is Apple Turnover Day in 2024, calendar will remind you. The holiday has a fixed date, so it won’t be difficult to memorize it and to join any moment you would like to do it. It has been already mentioned above, it is held in definite circles on July 5th annually.

As you perhaps understand, we shouldn’t even expect that the local authorities will organize something special devoted to this holiday. Unfortunately, usually they know nothing about it. But there are no reasons for being worried or upset.

You see, you are always free to create a cool event on your own. Under this condition everything depends on your imagination and creativity. There are a lot of apple pie fillings and the list of recipes is endless. Choose whatever you like, cook or buy and invite your friends or relatives to try.

Do you have any apples in your own garden? – Share them with your friends and family members. You can make the pies for each other and exchange them later. It would be a great experience for everybody.

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Ready? – Take pictures of it and post them on the social media. And after that don’t forget to add #AppleTurnoverDay to your post! It will encourage your surroundings to join the holiday next year. We are sure that a lot of people near you would be happy to be involved!

National Apple Turnover Day Facts

The question “What is the date of Apple Turnover Day in 2024?” is not as easy and obvious as it may seen at the first sight. Today we are going to tell you about different kinds of these tasty desserts. Here is our list:

  • Americans are very proud of their apple pie. Traditionally, the pie is prepared on thin shortcrust pastry, but there is always a lot of filling in it. And it is also believed that the proper American apple pie should have five varieties of apples: sweet, sour, tart, retaining its shape during heat treatment and boiling in a puree – then the taste, aroma, and texture of the filling will be close to ideal.
  • Cottage cheese pie with apples is very easy to prepare and home-like. The aromatic caramel crust gives this cake a special charm.
  • Yeast Apple Pie is the perfect dish for those who prefer yeast baked goods. As a rule, this kind of dough is amazing. Having tried it once, many immediately add such a recipe to the list of their favorites. By the way, if you have a bread maker, you can entrust the dough kneading to it.
  • Biscuits with apples and cinnamon. In general, a biscuit is the simplest open cake, which does not require a special shape (the sides are wrapped by hands), or a long cooking time. With a detailed step-by-step master class, even a novice hostess can cook a biscuit.


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