International Savings Day
The International Economy Day of the countries of the world is celebrated on October 31. The history of International Savings Day began on October 27, 1924. It was then that the First International Congress of Savings Banks was held in Milan with the participation of representatives of 29 countries. On the last day of the congress, October 31, financial institutions proposed the idea of celebrating the World Savings Day.
This name of the holiday existed until 1989. And even then, the last day of October was declared World Savings Day – the International Savings Day according to the official directive of the UN. The name was coined by the Italian professor Ravvyts, which made it possible to add a broader meaning. After all, saving is not limited to savings. It covers such concepts as saving time, energy resources, natural treasures, and minerals.
Savings Day is celebrated in different countries. Among them is Germany, whose population is characterized by special frugality. The German authorities consider it necessary to develop in the young generation a knack for economical spending and rational consumption, while in no case do they see greed in savings.