International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists

What day is it?

Modern life cannot be imagined without the amount of information we have. It is difficult to imagine how many hours of tireless work journalists perform for us. – those people who felt the strength to fight for freedom of expression, to defend a civil position, to always be in the vortex of the most interesting events. Unfortunately, many journalists die while performing their duties, and cases of investigation into their deaths often do not reach a fair conclusion court. That is why the UN established the Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists. It is celebrated on November 2 all over the world.

How did the idea to celebrate the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists come about?

For centuries, Ukrainians fought for the creation of their state and the freedom to express their opinions.

More than once, various Ukrainian publications faced a ban on printing their individual articles and the newspaper or magazine as a whole. Our journalists have always tried to bypass the system so that citizens know the truth. The path followed by Ukrainian journalism cannot be called simple. Some consider journalists to be very brave. They manage to find ways to the real truth and open the eyes of millions.

Unfortunately, not everyone is ready to put up with the bitter truth, which is why the profession of a journalist becomes more and more dangerous every year. Over the past 25 years, there have been an incredible number of physical attacks on journalists around the world for trying to report the results of their investigations to the public.

In nine out of ten cases, the criminal remained unpunished and no one investigated the attacks. Until a certain time, the majority of the population of Ukraine did not delve into such details of the professional life of journalists. However, the turning point was the death of Georgy Gongadze. Ukrainians began to pay more attention to impunity for crimes against journalists. After all, they investigate and highlight cases of corruption and other illegal actions in Ukraine and the world.

Foundation Day

In 2013, at the 68th session, the UN General Assembly adopted resolution 68/163 and declared November 2 the International Day to End Impunity for the Crimes of Journalists. The date was chosen in honor of two dead journalists from France. They were killed in Mali in 2013.

In this resolution, the UN strongly urges not to ignore any attack committed against journalists and media workers. In addition, the organization appeals to ensure safe working conditions and punish all those responsible for any attempts on the lives of such workers.


From 2006 to 2017, more than 1,000 journalists were killed, and 55% of them were committed in countries where there is no armed conflict.

In 2018, UNESCO registered more than 86 murders of journalists.

The list of 1,010 journalists who died while performing their duties included 10 people who died on the territory of Ukraine.

Frequent Questions and answers on the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists

Who is a journalist?

A journalist, or journalist, is a person who collects, edits and publishes important or interesting information for society. Journalists can work for the editorial office of a registered mass media or conduct independent independent activities.

Is career growth possible in the profession of a journalist?

Yes, for this you need to run your columns in printed publications. Also, having programs on television or radio will be a big step.

When did the press appear in Ukraine?

The first edition of a newspaper printed and published on the territory of Ukraine (non-Ukrainian-language) is dated January 1, 1776.

How to celebrate the International Day of Ending Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists?

  1. Undoubtedly, a journalist is a creative profession. You should inquire about what official events are planned in your area.
  2. Perhaps a bouquet of flowers and a conversation about professional life will be an excellent gift, or maybe a simple walk in the park and a few hours spent with loved ones will saturate a person with a dose of inspiration for further work.
  3. You can try to unite with other journalists and arrange a memorial evening. It will be appropriate to share information about the achievements of the dead journalists.

Why is this day important?

Before providing citizens with any information, a journalist must make sure of its authenticity.

Anyone who decides to link his life with this profession must be ready to faithfully and scrupulously fulfill his duties to society. That is why it is important to remember and honor the memory of those who gave their lives for freedom of speech.

It is important to show and prove that every criminal will be punished. If journalists are sure that their lives will be safe, and any attempted assassination will not be forgotten, they will, without a doubt, be ready to work tirelessly.

When will we celebrate International day to end impunity for crimes against journalists?

Year Date Weekday
2021 November 2 Tuesday
2022 November 2 Wednesday
2023 November 2 Thursday
2024 November 2 Saturday
2025 November 2 Sunday

International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists


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