International Day of Spicy and Hot Food

January 16 is traditionally celebrated every year International Day of Spicy and Hot Food. Gourmets all over the world add hellish seasonings and spices to their food to enjoy the unusual taste of everyday dishes.

Hot spices are in great demand on this day. For connoisseurs spicy and hot dishes special restaurants are opened. Chili pepper and hot Mexican pepper – jalapeño are traditionally considered a popular seasoning. They are added to sauces, meat dishes and even drinks. You can also find curry, ginger, horseradish, and wasabi among the burning ingredients.

Almost every national cuisine has a recipe for a dish with a lot of hot spices and spices. The benefit of these infernal spices is in their ability to complement the taste of food and awaken the feeling of hunger, but not to overeat at the same time.

  • Thanks to the capsaicin contained in spicy products, blood vessels expand. This helps to reduce pressure and regulate blood flow. In China and Asia, spicy food is deliberately used to prevent cardiovascular diseases.

International Day of Spicy and Hot Food
Read more:  Culinary Day


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