International Day of Human Brotherhood

February 4 marks the International Day of Human Fraternity, which was established by the UN General Assembly at the end of December 2020. 34 UN member states acted as co-authors. The main purpose of the holiday is to establish and promote dialogue between different religious and cultural communities. With its resolution, the General Assembly called on partners, the public and religious leaders to remember and not forget what true faith teaches: to love and help, to show tolerance, compassion and understanding.

The fourth day of February was not chosen by chance. On this day in 2019, a meeting between Pope Francis and Imam Al-Azhar Ahmad al-Taib took place. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the development of dialogue between believers of different religions, ways to overcome inter-confessional contradictions and prevent inter-religious conflicts, differences that lead to intolerance, intransigence and anger. The result of this meeting was the concluded resolution on brotherhood for peace on the planet.

International Day of Human Fraternity
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