International Ataxia Awareness Day

Every year, the whole world celebrates September 25 International Ataxia Awareness Day. This is a clinical symptom of damage to some parts of the nervous system (cerebellum), the main symptom of which is impaired coordination of movements. Movements become uncertain, a person may lose balance when walking.

Causes of problems with coordination of movements:

  • stroke;
  • lack of vitamin B12;
  • genetic predisposition.

The task of this day is to spread information about ataxia and find ways to solve this problem. Every year, the Ataxia organization, together with volunteers, invites everyone to participate in the events. With a common effort, you can turn to the mass media, which will help spread information about the disease faster.

On this day, various countries collect funds for the sick. Meetings in support groups provide an opportunity to learn about the individual symptoms of participants. On the Internet, people tell personal stories about ataxia.

International Ataxia Awareness Day
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