Day of the homeless cat

Every year on October 16, the world celebrates the Day of the Homeless Cat. If the Internet is to be believed, everyone loves cats. But if we are talking about a homeless cat, there are pitfalls: contempt, disgust, cruelty, ruthlessness, irresponsibility.

Cats appeared in human life a long time ago, just like dogs. They live with us for more than 10 thousand years. There is no such city on the planet where at least one cat could not be found in the houses or on the street. It is believed that the spread of these animals began in ancient Egypt. From there, merchants and priests brought domesticated cats to Europe and Asia to reduce rat populations. Later, Roman soldiers brought cats to Britain, and from there these animals got to other countries and regions thanks to sailors and immigrants.

The purpose of Homeless Cats Day is to remind people of their love for animals, to encourage them to treat cats responsibly and humanely and to keep them. We must all remember that every cat without a home needs help, attention and care.


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