Day of the ballpoint pen

On June 10, 1943, a ballpoint pen was patented in the United States. It is this date that is celebrated every year as the birthday of the invention – Day of the ballpoint pen.

Ballpoint pen day in history

The American John Laud was the first to patent the principle of using a pen back in 1888. However, he had problems related to the density of the ink, which soiled his hands and clothes.

New ink formula

In the 1930s, the Hungarian Biro brothers (journalist László and chemist Györgya) managed to find the necessary formula for the density of ink that did not flow or become thick. But in connection with the beginning of the Second World War, they had to emigrate to Spain. There, the brothers met the ex-president of Argentina, Augustin Pedro Justo, who was told about their discovery. He encouraged them to go to Argentina and found an investor – Juan Main. Already in 1942, Argentines had the opportunity to purchase ballpoint pens in stores.

Milton Reynolds’ trickery and fraud

Soon, the brothers receive a patent in Great Britain and cooperate with an American firm to establish the production of pens in the United States. But the appearance of the inquisitive traveling salesman Milton Reynolds changes the course of history. He managed to understand the design of the pen and patented it. In those days, the effect of a patent extended only in the country where it was issued. It was on June 10, 1943 that Reynolds received a patent for an invention, the development of which he had nothing to do with. This day is considered The afternoon of the ballpoint pen. The inventor brothers tried the fraudster for a long time and did not succeed in achieving justice.

Day of the ballpoint pen


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