Day of responsible dog breeding

It is celebrated annually on the third Saturday of September Day of responsible dog breeding. The purpose of the holiday is to remind all owners of the responsibility for those who have been domesticated.

Unfortunately, there are still people who consider puppies to be small funny toys that can later be given away, given to a shelter or left on the street. In some, irresponsibility is manifested in improper feeding, uncontrolled pairings, lack of vaccinations and regular treatments against parasites.

In order to reduce the number of such cases, on this day, dog trainers, zoo volunteers, workers of shelters for homeless animals, as well as some veterinary medicine specialists hold explanatory talks on how to feed your dogs and when to vaccinate, talk about the benefits and necessity of female sterilization. They also introduce people to new laws that deal with animal cruelty and the commercial use of pets.

Day of responsible dog breeding
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