Bat day
The world celebrates April 17 every year Bat day. The event was initiated by the International Organization for the Protection of Bats.
Bats – these are lily-like insectivorous animals that lead a nocturnal lifestyle.
The Ukrainian word “bat” comes from the word “skin” (that is, the skin from which, in fact, the wings are made). Also, Ukrainians call animals nocturnal, spinners, nocturnals, pergaches, etc.
Bats live 10-15 years, and give birth to a maximum of two babies. Animals like to hang upside down, hibernate in caves. Bats run well and use ultrasonic signals. Lilies are the only mammals on the planet for which hypothermia is possible.
However, despite their abilities, these animals are the most sensitive to the state of the environment and the most vulnerable. There are about a thousand types of bats, in Ukraine they are listed in the Red Book.
Bat day aims to draw the attention of humanity to these animals, to raise awareness of the importance of bats for the natural balance.