Brunei Darussalam Independence Day

January 1 is celebrated Brunei Darussalam Independence Day – a small country on the island of Kalimantan. An important event in the history of the state took place in 1984 after the signing of the treaty according to which the sultanate ceased to be a colony of England. Currently, the system of the country is a monarchy headed by a sultan. He also acts as the country’s Muslim religious leader. Brunei’s economy is supported by oil and gas production.

After the suppression of the armed uprising in 1962, Sultan Omar refused to unite with Malaysia and took a course to restore the independence of the state.

Sultan Omar made a lot of efforts so that Britain did recognize the independence of Brunei. Because of this, the sultan abdicated and handed over the rule to his son. This political move led to the signing of the relevant agreement and the recognition of the state’s sovereignty.

Brunei Darussalam Independence Day
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