When is National Nude Day in 2025? Are you ready to give the wide reply to this question? Frankly speaking, we are almost sure you have never heard about its existence.

At the same time, in the modern society nudism or, in other words, naturism is a trend. Initially it was founded in the 20th century by people, who were seeking to unite with nature. Women and men are completely denuded in order to develop respect for their own and others’ body, so that worldly attributes do not affect people’s opinion. The desire for a healthy lifestyle brought people closer together.

The matter seems to be rather amazing, doesn’t it? – That is an explanation, why we have decided to investigate it in details.


Certainly, investigating the matter what day World Nude Day in 2025 is, we want to tell our readers about the historical background of this event.

Unfortunately, we haven’t managed to discover the names of the inventors as well as why they chose July 14 for this special occasion celebration.

Nude Couple

In general, the world capital of nudism can rightly be considered Croatia. The first example was the reigning people. This is the British King Edward VS, who abdicated in the name of love for the beautiful American Wallis Worfeld-Simpson. Together with their beloved, they swam naked before the eyes of the amazed public on the beach of the island of Rab. It was in Croatia in 1953 that borders were opened for commercial naturist centers. And today here, on the Croatian coast of the Adriatic, you can find many nudist beaches and resorts. They occupy the first place in the whole world.


What does National Nude Day mean? Oh, that is up to you to decide. All in all nobody can tell you what special occasion should be celebrated and which ones can be forgotten.

On this day, no mass celebrations are held. Many adherents of this way of life do not even know about the existence of such a holiday. But those who belong to this category of people celebrate the holiday in their own circle.

Some on this day annoyby their appearance the holidaymakers on the beach, others walk in the woods, where they walk cheerfully and brightly with guitars, shish kebabs, play basketball and sing songs, dance and have fun in full.

Recently, almost on any public beach, you can find a remote corner where are resting the people, who consider a swimming costume to be an extra thing in the wardrobe and like to substitute the sun with their uncovered bodies. Adherents of this culture, who call themselves nudists or naturalists, believe that in this way they show their union with nature and human nudity is not something unnatural.

Nudism is not only the ability to publicly taking off the clothes, it is part of an entire philosophy that promotes freedom from generally accepted norms and reunification with nature. Nevertheless, this movement is often regarded as surrounding defiant and unacceptable, which forces naturalists to search for secluded places and even specially to take off certain beaches.


The answer to the question “When is International Nude Day 2025?” needs some clarifications. So we want to explain our readers really important things.

All in all, naturist is a person who professes a philosophy based on unity with nature. Such people prefer to dress as little as possible in their lives.

Nudists are people who like to rest without clothes. In general, these two concepts have a common core –humans, who are nudists and naturists prefer to walk naked, while referring to the fact that they want to be closer to nature in this way.

This rather original holiday causes conflicting feelings among people. Some have interest and curiosity, others have contempt and anger. Therefore, most often nudists and naturists celebrate their holiday somewhere outside the city, so as not to attract the wrath of opponents – from hooligans to the authorities.

In general nudists rarely advertise their way of life, as this phenomenon is still shocking for most people and often forces its adherents to lead a double way of life. A very small percentage of naturalists manage to combine their philosophy and culture of behavior with daily life and be in harmony with the world around them.


When is Nude Day in 2025, calendar will, as usually, remind you. This is not a serious problem in fact. However, from our side we kindly recommend you to do at least one thing: not to forget, when July 14 comes. It is not difficult, isn’t it? And by the way the date of this special occasion is fixed and annual, so will be even much easier than you have thought initially.

But do you personally know how to celebrate this holiday in an amazing way? All in all there are no any definite traditions, rules or customers for everybody to do it properly. So if you want to be involved, just invent something interesting for you and your surroundings.

And now we are going to share some unusual ideas with you.

Nude people

On this day a great amount of various flashmobs are organized. As a rule, people are photographed without clothes at home, in their gardens and orchards. In general the official reason for this action is to feel unity with nature.

You can join these funny people if you like. All their activities seem to be really unusual or even surprised.

Contemporary guys and ladies prefer to upload these pictures to the social networks. By the way note that naked people feel particularly good at Twitter, because there you can look at photos almost without censorship. But in Instagram you have to follow some rules: for example, it is forbidden to show female nipples and completely bare buttocks, taken from a close distance.

International Nude Day Facts

Talking about the special matter mentioned above “What is the date of National Nude Day 2025?” we would like to introduce to our readers some amazing pieces of additional information.

For example, not everybody knows that in Manchester and Bristol, Portland and Thessaloniki, Valencia and Madrid, Leipzig and Munich as well as in dozens of other cities around the world, there is a traditional “bare bike rides”.

The actions are timed to the International Nude Day, which is celebrated on July 14, as it has been already mentioned above.

The most massive bike ride was organized in Portland (USA). About 8 thousand activists took part in it in 2017. Thus, last year’s record, established in Mexico, was beaten (at that time 5 thousand enthusiasts gathered for the “bare bike ride”).

The international association World Naked Bike Ride, established in 2004, celebrates its birthday in July. Within the next month, “bare bike races” are in ten different cities in the UK, including London. At least seven US cities join it.

In addition, such bike rides are held in Mexico, Canada, the Netherlands, Germany, Finland, Belgium and other countries. It is not excluded that the Israelis will join the rally soon.

The idea of world-wide naked bike rides belongs to the Canadian activist Conrad Schmidt, who managed to attract thousands of people around the world with his initiative. The first such bike ride was arranged in protest against the war in Iraq. But soon the political slogans were replaced by ecological appeals. Activists managed to get permission from the authorities to conduct such bike rides (although in almost all countries it is prohibited to participate in them, and in some states the police categorically demand “hide” the genitals, if not under the cloth, then at least under patterns and drawings).


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