Have you ever heard about the European Union? Undoubtedly, you have. Today, we will speak about one of the most powerful alliances ever – Europe. Powerful economy, foreign economic policy, millions of employees and employers coming every year – that’s we know about Europe. Many countries are aiming to enter the union to feel comfortable. However, there are strict rules and requirements to become a member. So, let’s find out when is National Euro Day in 2020?

It is celebrated annually on May 9, since 1950, when Schumann’s declaration was signed. The creation of the European coal and steel association started, stapovating the European Union. The main target is to honor the unity and sodality of the alliance. The need for European policy integration was addressed immediately after the end of the Second World War, thanks to which it became obvious it was necessary to unite much earlier. Winston Churchill as early as 1946 proposed the creation of the United States of Europe, and as the first step in this direction to organize a kind of “Council of Europe”.

Euro Day


The European Union is the practical implementation of the idea of ​​European integration. The idea of integration has a long history. Since ancient times, Europe has attempted to unite and create something one whole. In the ancient era, such an unsuccessful attempt was made by Julius Caesar. In the Middle Ages, Charles the Great tried to unite the European continent. Nothing came of it. In modern times, Napoleon decided to try his luck. However, the history suffered a complete failure. In the twentieth century, Hitler set a goal – not only the conquest of all of Europe but also the establishment of the world order. The attempt ended in complete collapse.

The failure of all previous attempts to unite Europe is explained only all attempts at unification were based on violence, i.e. on the conquests.

However, the idea of ​​European integration lived and developed, influencing more and more Europeans. It began to materialize more when it was supported by the popular masses, especially when wars of began to flare up in Europe more often. In the first half of the XIX century. at the World Congress of Supporters of Peace, convened at the initiative of the great French writer Victor Hugo, the idea of ​​creating the United States of Europe (SSE) was put forward.

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So, understanding the history we turn to what day Euro Day in 2020.


What does Euro Day mean? There are many articles and tweets devoted to the Day of Europe on the websites of the main institutions of the European Union.

The Euro website tells about 140 events taking place on this day in the EU countries. More than half of them are organized in Belgium, where the headquarters of the European Union is located.

Simultaneously, Bessel’s accusations are squealing, he slightly “overdoes” with the festive events, when the European project faces serious problems related to the influx of migrants, security, and economic issues, the growth of anti-European sentiments.

On May 9, 2016, the head of EU diplomacy, Federica Mogherini, addressed the citizens with the following statement:

“I know many people will be wondering today if there are reasons for us to celebrate the Day of Europe.”

The celebration is extremely valuable for most Europeans and each of them knows when is International Euro Day 2020. Millions of people will gather in public places to express support for the unity and sodality of the nations.


Meanwhile, it is known that the reason for the majority of European military conflicts was the contradiction between two major European states – France and Germany. It was clear to all that without the elimination of these contradictions it is impossible to talk about the integration of Europe. How to eliminate the contradictions between these two European states? Many statesmen and public figures of European countries have racked their brains over this issue. And here the idea arises to unite Germany and France not on a military-political basis, but on an economic one. Two outstanding Frenchmen, economist Jean Monnet and politician Robert Schumann, proposed to unite the two main industries of Germany and France, namely coal and steel, counting on the accession of neighboring states to this association over time.

For the political nature of the holiday, on this day, people conduct educational activities in the EU or advocate for integration. The flag plays an important role in general celebrations as one more symbol. Despite the preference of May 9, some people celebrate the holiday on May 5, emphasizing the protection of human rights. So, it is a requirement to know what is the date of Euro Day in 2020 if you want to become a member of a union and a holiday.

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The idea of ​​the United States of Europe was adored by everyone since it expressed the desire and opinion of European peoples. Neither sovereigns, nor politicians, nor political parties could not brush aside this obsession, which was the idea of ​​creating the United States of Europe. All of them were forced to determine their attitude to this idea. True, it should be noted that interest in it then subsided, then flared up with renewed vigor on the eve or in the course of military conflicts. In the midst of the First World War, the idea of ​​the SSE, already transformed into a slogan, became the subject of general discussion in all countries of Europe and beyond. After the end of the First World War, the first attempts were made to put it into practice. But all of them ended unsuccessfully, most likely, because fascist Germany, as was said, having unleashed the Second World War, tried to unite Europe by military means.

After the Second World War, the idea of ​​European integration has become increasingly relevant. This can be judged from the speech of W. Churchill, in which he called for the unification of Europe, however, with a definite purpose, namely: to prevent the spread of communism.

There are many traditions to be mentioned. The main is to gather in public places and support for N.E.D 2020 in social media by #EuroDay2020 and photos & videos posted. You’d rather google for events held on this day. The best way to navigate yourself is to contact locals and ask for anything. Moreover, each year is commemorated with different topic and events provided. Numerous parades showed each time will definitely take you in a good mood and give unforgettable memories.

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National Euro Day Facts

  • One of the most mysterious facts associated with Europe is the Great Migration of Nations when various tribes moved throughout Europe. The first wave of migration began around 500 AD when German tribes began to migrate and found their kingdoms. Then came the wave of migration of the Slavic people. Migrations were accompanied by conflicts and wars for the territories. One of the reasons for the resettlement of scientists considers the climate change, in these years there was a sharp cooling.
  • The euro is the official currency of 17 EU countries, although its members are 27 countries. Cash euros came in use on January 1, 2002, replacing the national currencies. The authenticity of the euro in addition to the main methods, you can check by adding the serial number on each bill.

So, you have a nice opportunity to spend time with a benefit and emotions. Also, don’t forget to check for other holidays on whenisholiday. Now, you can recollect the data from the article by asking when is Euro Day in 2020, by a virtue of a calendar.


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