World Pasta Day

What day is it?

Macaroni is a favorite food of both adults and children in almost all corners of the world. In most countries, different types of pasta products are united by one name – pasta, which means dough in Italian. Macaroni is an integral part of many culinary recipes. It is an excellent side dish for meat, fish and vegetables. And if you combine the pasta with the sauce, it becomes a complete meal. High-quality pasta is made from durum wheat, so even those who support a healthy lifestyle can include it in their menu. Few people know, but pasta has its own holiday. October 25 every year is celebrated around the world World Pasta Day. It was launched at the Rome congress of pasta manufacturers in 1995.

All holidays and events for October 25

How did the idea to celebrate World Macaroni Day come about?

Macaroni is a very ancient invention of mankind, the exact time and place of which cannot be established. It is believed that pasta appeared since people learned to grow wheat and make flour.

In the Egyptian pyramids, they found images of pasta dating back to the 4th millennium BC. Rolling pins and knives for cutting dough found by archaeologists on the territory of Ancient Greece indicate that pasta existed there as well.

Many historians believe that Marco Polo brought pasta to Italy from China in 1292. In general, pasta became popular in the era of great geographical travels and discoveries. During long journeys, people have developed a need for such a product, which is stored for a long time, does not weigh very much and at the same time does not lose its properties and nutrition.

In the 16th century, associations of pasta producers with their own rules and statutes were already established in Italy. Different cities had their own methods of making dough. Of course, manual labor was used, the process was quite long and complicated, which is why the pasta was quite expensive. Often only rich people could afford to use them.

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In the 17th century, the situation began to change — mechanical devices for making pasta appeared, and the conditions for the distribution of hard varieties of wheat also arose. This became the basis for the cheap production of pasta and its availability. This product has become an everyday item on the menu of Italians.

In the 18th century, Catherine de Medici introduced macarons to the French, and since then they have gained recognition in all countries.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the discovery of electric current made it possible to create electric machines for kneading dough and special chambers for drying pasta. Thanks to this, the production of pasta was no longer limited to regions with a hot climate. The number of products has increased incomparably, and the process has become fully automated.

In Ukraine, national dishes made from dough that resemble Italian pasta have long been known and loved – dumplings, noodles, dumplings, lazy dumplings.

According to various sources, there are now 400 to 600 types of pasta in the world. Every year, this assortment is expanded due to the addition of vegetable additives, enrichment with vitamins and minerals, and the use of non-traditional raw materials. For example, for people with gluten allergies, pasta is made from rice or corn flour.

World Pasta Day in history

  • 1740
    Paolo Adami opened the first pasta factory in Venice.
  • 1789
    Thomas Jefferson in the USA invented the first machine for the production of pasta.
  • 1797
    The first pasta factory on the territory of the then Russian Empire was opened in Odesa.
  • 1819
    The first pasta drying device appeared in Italy.
  • 1957
    1 April
    Pasta became the subject of a joke on the BBC. The news was about the macaroni harvest in the fields of Switzerland. Many viewers believed the story and asked to send them macaroni seedlings.
  • 2005
    October 25
    On World Pasta Day, the International Organization for the Production of Pasta was founded in Rome, which included 18 of the largest producers of pasta products from different countries.

Frequent Questions and answers about World Pasta Day

In which country is the most pasta consumed?

Italians consume the most pasta – up to 30 kilograms per year, followed by Germany and Switzerland.

Is there a macaroni museum?

Yes, there is a National Pasta Museum in Rome. There you can see its many types, learn everything about the production process, visit a seminar on dietetics and a library with rare culinary recipes.

How to calculate the amount of pasta per serving?

Italian pasta manufacturers usually recommend cooking at the rate of approximately 80 grams of product per serving.

How to evaluate the quality of pasta?

The quality mainly depends on the type of wheat from which the pasta is made. The tastiest and most useful are made from high-quality durum wheat.

How to celebrate World Macaroni Day?

Of course, the best way to celebrate this day is to make a delicious pasta dish yourself. For such a case, you can try a new interesting recipe or use a favorite and long-proven one.

  1. Any dish — from simple spaghetti with sauce to exquisite lasagna or unusual tortellini — is sure to add a special atmosphere to a family dinner. It will be appropriate to involve children in cooking by telling them several interesting stories related to macaroni.
  2. A great idea would be to organize a “pasta” party where everyone can come with their own unique dish, share the best recipes and have fun.
  3. And if you don’t want to cook or don’t have time for it, you can go to a restaurant with family or friends, order a pasta dish that you haven’t tried before, and enjoy the wonderful taste and exquisite presentation.
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And since celebrating Macaroni Day is not yet a widespread custom in Ukraine, it will be useful to share information about this holiday on social networks.

Why do we love this day?

Macaroni Day is a fun, light holiday, not burdened with too serious topics.

  1. It is not for nothing that it has been proven that the consumption of pasta increases the concentration of the hormone serotonin, another name for which is the hormone of happiness, in the human body. This happens due to the content of tryptophan in pasta, which contributes to the production of the “happy hormone”. That is, by consuming pasta, you can improve your mood and cope with stress more easily.
  2. High-quality pasta is good for health. They provide energy for the whole day, contain folic acid and have a low glycemic index. The main thing is to choose pasta from hard varieties of wheat.
  3. In addition, pasta is usually very easy to cook. Even a person who is far from culinary arts can easily cope with this task. Another pleasure is that it does not take much time to prepare pasta.
  4. Pasta is a versatile product that encourages creativity in the kitchen. Anything can be added to the pasta – vegetables, meat, fish and seafood, various sauces or just olive oil. And each time it will have a completely different taste, despite the fact that the main ingredient will remain pasta. Thanks to this, you can prepare dishes for any taste, mood or wallet.
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When will we celebrate World Pasta Day?

Year Date Weekday
2021 October 25 Monday
2022 October 25 Tuesday
2023 October 25 Wednesday
2024 October 25 Friday
2025 October 25 Saturday

World Pasta Day


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