World Spirometry and Lung Health Day
World Spirometry and Lung Health Day is held on October 14.
Spirometry – determination of lung volume using a spirometer. A person’s nose is clamped, he takes in as much air as possible and exhales it into a tube connected to the device. The computer analyzes the force, time and capacity of exhalation. The obtained data are used in the diagnosis of lungs and heart.
The main goal of the event is to draw people’s attention to problems related to the health of the respiratory system. Activists promote a healthy lifestyle and encourage regular respiratory examinations. Such a strategy helps to calculate breathing problems in the early stages, which significantly facilitates treatment.
To avoid cancer and other lung diseases
- Don’t smoke and stay away from people who smoke.
- Check the level of harmful gases in the place where you live.
- Avoid contact with asbestos.
- Do breathing exercises.