World Cereal Day

International Porridge Day is celebrated every year on October 10. The tradition of its celebration originated in Great Britain, where oatmeal is considered a traditional breakfast dish. The festive events were held for the first time in 2009. The collected funds were transferred to a center that helps children from different countries of the world who are suffering from hunger.

Porridge is included in the menu of most nations. The basis of the dish is cereals. Features of the diet in a specific country are determined by climatic features, which depends on the yield level of cereal crops.

  • The most popular cereals in the world are oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, millet and wheat cereals (bulgur, couscous, semolina).

The traditions of the celebration include master classes and porridge-making competitions. Most of the events are of a charitable nature, the collected funds are transferred to special funds designed to fight hunger in the world.

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