World AIDS Day
What day is it?
Everyone has heard about the dangers of AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). AIDS is the late stage of infection caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Under the influence of this virus, the immune system becomes so weak that it cannot fight certain types of infections and tumors. Most people infected with HIV do not develop AIDS if adequate treatment is started in time. For more than forty years, HIV and AIDS continue to affect millions of people around the world. Currently, there are about 38 million HIV-infected people on the planet. Every year, World AIDS Day, on December 1, raises awareness and reminds people that the epidemic is not over.
How did the idea to celebrate World AIDS Day come about?
The beginning of the history of AIDS can be considered the end of the 70s of the last century. It was then in the USA, Sweden, Tanzania and Haiti that patients with strange symptoms of some infectious and oncological diseases began to turn to doctors. All of them occurred against the background of severe exhaustion of the immune system, which led to the death of patients. Doctors had fears that a new deadly disease had appeared.
In 1982, scientists hypothesized that blood plays a crucial role in the development of the disease. In the same year, the disease was called AIDS — acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. What caused the infection and how it was transmitted remained unknown, but research was actively conducted in this regard.
Already in 1983, the French researcher Luc Montagnier managed to discover the virus that is the cause of AIDS. It was called HIV – human immunodeficiency virus. While the virus was not yet sufficiently studied, there were various versions of its appearance. Some scientists argued that HIV is a biological weapon created by the military, others insisted on the theory of extraterrestrial origin.
Most experts now agree that HIV originates from the simian immunodeficiency virus. It is believed that the first person to contract AIDS was an African from the Congo.
This is confirmed by the analysis of his blood, which is kept until now as part of medical research. The man fell ill in 1959, several decades before AIDS was discovered. He probably got infected from monkeys when he hunted these animals and ate their meat. After entering the human body, the virus mutated, began to be transmitted from person to person and caused a state of immunodeficiency. From Africa, it spread all over the world.
In 1985, scientists finally established that the virus is transmitted through body fluids (through blood, sexually, from mother to child).
In 1988, WHO announced the creation of World AIDS Day – December 1.
The history of the date selection is interesting. At that time, elections were held in the USA, so the mass media mainly covered only the election process. The creators of the idea of the World AIDS Day decided that after the end of the campaign, journalists should be interested in a new information opportunity. December 1 was the perfect day because the election was already over and there was still time before the eventful Christmas holidays. The calculation turned out to be successful – the announcement of World AIDS Day attracted a lot of attention.
World AIDS Day in history
1985The first test for the presence of HIV antibodies in the blood was created. In Japan and the USA, they started testing donor blood.
the beginning of the 1970sThe first drug against AIDS appeared – retrovir. However, it later turned out that over time the virus loses sensitivity to these drugs. Ukraine has the first six HIV-infected people this year. -
1992A HIV and AIDS prevention program has been developed in Ukraine.
1994In the treatment of HIV infection, they began to use not one drug, but three at once. This significantly increased the effectiveness of treatment and allowed patients to live longer. This is how highly active antiretroviral therapy appeared.
1996The work of the Joint UN Program on HIV and AIDS has begun.
2002The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria was created, which mobilizes and invests about $4 billion a year to develop programs in more than 140 countries.
The virus and the Symbol of solidarity with HIV-positive and AIDS patients
Statistical data in the world and in Ukraine
- 76 million – the number of people in the world infected with HIV infection since the beginning of the epidemic.
- 67% – this is how many HIV-positive people had access to appropriate therapy in 2019.
- 26 billion dollars should be spent in 2020 to fight AIDS in the world.
- 13 thousand new cases of infection were registered in Ukraine in 2019.
- 240 thousand — the total number of infected people in Ukraine. Of them, only 136,000 are under medical supervision.
- 16,000 people have died from AIDS-related diseases in our country since the beginning of the epidemic.
- 23% — only so many Ukrainians can correctly name ways to prevent HIV infection.
Frequent Questions and answers about World AIDS Day
Signs of this infection are difficult to recognize. There are often no symptoms at all, and sometimes early HIV infection resembles a common cold. Therefore, many people find out about the infection only after a few years.
Modern tests detect HIV 2-3 weeks after infection. An HIV test does not show how long a person has been infected or whether they have developed AIDS. There are additional analyzes for this.
HIV cannot be completely eradicated. However, there is an effective treatment, and if it is started in time and carried out regularly, it provides a sufficient quality and length of life.
If the expectant mother receives proper treatment, then in 99% of cases the child is born healthy.
The duration of this period is very different. On average, it is 10-15 years. Antiretroviral therapy can prevent the progression of the disease by reducing the viral load in the body.
As noted World AIDS Day?
- On this day, educational activities are held in most countries of the world regarding the danger of spreading and methods of infection prevention. Particular attention is paid to informing children and young people in educational institutions. New statistical data on the current state of the epidemic are also published.
- Many people wear a red ribbon on their clothes, a symbol of support and solidarity with HIV-positive people. Collection of charitable funds, public discussions, mass media campaigns, concerts of famous musicians are held.
- To show your support, you should attend one of these events or organize your own.
- In Ukraine, the traditions of the World AIDS Day do not differ from those of the world. In addition to information campaigns, free express testing campaigns are usually held on this day in various cities, where everyone can check their HIV status.
Why is this event important?
This day is one of the most recognized international health days in the world. It gives an opportunity to learn about new achievements in the treatment and prevention of the disease, to honor the memory of those who died from this disease.
State governments and ordinary citizens must remember that AIDS has not gone anywhere, that there is an urgent need to increase funding for programs to combat the disease. It is also a reminder to prevent discrimination of HIV-infected people.
In Ukraine, these problems are particularly acute. Our AIDS programs have recently been reduced due to a lack of funds, which leads to an increase in the rate of morbidity. Infected people often suffer from stigma and social isolation stemming from a low level of general knowledge about the infection and its transmission. Therefore, World AIDS Day remains relevant and unites the population to raise awareness and demonstrate solidarity in the fight against the disease.
When will we celebrate World AIDS Day?
Year | Date | Weekday |
2020 | December 1 | Tuesday |
2021 | December 1 | Wednesday |
2022 | December 1 | Thursday |
2023 | December 1 | Friday |
2024 | December 1 | Sunday |