Education plays an important role in human life. We get to know the world, its mysteries, and wonders through learning. It helps people to understand many spheres of the existence better. It is true that it is never late for studying. There are even some men who study all life long, they never stop finding out something new and amazing. Students present an integral part of every society. This social group has its characteristics, specific features but one trait differs them from any others individuals, it is their eternal desire of self-improvement and creativity. If one wants to be more aware of the observance when is World Studentsโ€™ Day in 2021 the further information would help us understand the meaning and the importance of learners.

The history of the holiday

Who is called a student? Are there any rules for being a good scholar? Historically, this type of learners appeared in Europe in XII century with the expansion of Latin as the main language of religion and spiritual practice. The Church needed educated citizens โ€“ not only priests. The learning was difficult and expensive at the same time. That is why it was not offered for everyone. โ€œSpudeiโ€, the term derived from Greek, were intelligent men who knew foreign languages, art and music, who could translate big texts, write poems, and teach others.

World Students' Day

During the following centuries, the universities began to appear around the world, Church lost its influence of the educational process. The government of countries took initiative and offered for all willing the chance to obtain the formation of doctors, teachers, or musicians. More and more young girls and boys started their studies in big scientific centers of Germany, France, the Great Britain, Italy and Spain.

The learners were always in a good yet difficult position in the society. Their skills, thoughts, plans, and ideas cannot but surprise. Despite, they are one of the most powerful forces that can change the political and economic position in the country. Concerning the apparition of the time when is International Students’ Day in 2021, one must know it was not very easy and happy. The anniversary is rather the sad requiem for those who gave their lives, who suffered fighting and protecting the freedoms of the apprentices.

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That sinister morning, November 16, 1939, Prague students and their teachers organized the demonstration in order to commemorate the anniversary of Czechoslovakia creation. That time the Prague has already been controlled by Nazi. The army broke up the meeting and they killed one of the medical students Jan Opletal. Moreover, the German Nazi arrested more than 1200 students and sent them to the concentration camp. There, nine young men were murdered the following day. Thousands of learners followed Jan Opletal’s funerals and they turned it into a second anti-Nazi protest. A few years later, in 1942, the postgraduates from all Europe gathered in London. They choose the date of November 17th as the International moment of memory, protection, and rights of every student. Since then, it is celebrated annually in every part of the world.

The meaning of the holiday

What does World Students Day mean for Americans? Traditionally, people distinguish two main dates of disciples in calendars โ€“ October 15th and November 17th. If you want to spend some time celebrating when is Students’ Day in 2021, two variants are possible. The difference is that on October 15th the citizens honor World Students’ Day and November 17th is the International Students’ Day. Nevertheless, the sense of both dates remains the same. They are both dedicated to the learners, they invite us to share the amazing student atmosphere.

Modern civilization purposes many goals to achieve and the first obligation is to have a good education. No matter what university you had graduated from, your education is your future career. The celebration of disciples responds to these requirements because students are the best future for all the Earth. The society calls them always young, full of energy and ideas, they are said to push the progress forward. That is the reason why we have to greet them with their professional anniversary.

This feast is intended to:

  1. Underline the right for every person to have access to the education and to assure its appropriate degree.
  2. To celebrate this day with all disciples in the world, to encourage them, to make them feel safe at their alma maters.
  3. To protect and to respect cultural and national differentiation between pupils.
  4. To attract more people to learning.
  5. To give the possibility of a self-education for the disabled and people with restricted abilities.
  6. To develop the personality, his individuality, and originality.
  7. To serve for the good of everyone.

The definition of the holiday

In addition to this, it is interesting to signalize what is the date of World Students’ Day in 2021. It is October 15th. This day was not chosen accidentally. The date coincides with the birth of an Indian President A. P. J. Abdul Kalam. He made a big contribution to the development of the educational system in India that is why in 2010 United Nations proclaimed the day of his birth as World Students’ Day.

World Students' Day

How can one define a real disciple? Through ages, there are several traits that differentiate him from other inhabitants.

  • In a book in his hands, learners are ready to study in any case, at any place. Today they are mostly seen with tablets, laptops, and e-books but the using of these gadgets helps them facilitate the problems with studies
  • Sleepy and hungry. One is not speaking about the skippers. The true apprentice pays all his attention to future formation, he learns for a full due
  • He understands his future depends on himself well then he goes balls to the wall, he works hard and gets to his goals
  • He is characterized as a strong, single-minded person, responsible for its acts and words. The pupil is not only working for himself, he realizes his labor may one day be of service to all country and the world
  • A person who can freely, without obstacles express himself, who defends his points of view, who are not afraid of making mistakes.
  • The real disciple is the person who is always keeping his eye on the big picture, who is never tired of changes and who is really making the world a better place.
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Do not forget that students can even change the destiny of all country. Remember that most of the activists of the revolutions are young people.

Facts and traditions of the day out

Do not think that students are just studying all day and night long. It is totally wrong. God knows how, but they can effectively combine two opposites sides as studies and fun. What is more, every one of them perfectly knows what day World Students’ Day is in 2021 and everyone tries to take as much profit as one can. The disciples adore big parties, gatherings, meetings, conferences. They are ingenious people and they can transform the worst party to the funniest one. Spend this occasion with them, talk to them, discover the hidden world of their souls. They can teach us to be free from influence of the other people models of behavior and thinking. Be sure โ€“ on this holiday you will not be bored. Wish them luck, courage, and patience.

Let the spirit of learners live forever in our souls and minds!


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