When is National Hug A Greeting Card Writer Day in 2025? Are you ready to reply this question immediately and without any prompts? Well, we are almost sure that you are going to give us the negative answer. The explanation of our prediction is quite simple, of course. โ€“ The matter is that in the modern sociality only a few people continue to send postcards to various occasions. As a rule, most men and women prefer to do it in social networks, to ring up or to congratulate by e-mails.ย 


The direction what day Hug A Greeting Card Writer Day in 2025 is, is not as easy as it may seem at the first sight. Frankly speaking, we donโ€™t know the names of the people, who propose to establish this special occasion. And at the same time it is unknown why they propose September 18th as an official day of the celebration.

All in all the history of the card has more than 140 years, and during this time its appearance, size and purpose have repeatedly changed.

Thus, the well-known history of postcards as a postal card has more than 140 years. Over such a long period of existence, its appearance and purpose have repeatedly changed. For example, in the USA, postcards that were printed in 1893 were sold as souvenirs.

There is a postcard in the British Museum – a โ€œvalentine cardโ€ dating back to the 15th century, and according to legend, it was sent by the Duke of Orleans to his wife from prison, where he composed love letters to her.

So, we can state the fact that greeting cards were the first to appear in England in the late 18th-early 19th century. The first ones were even painted by artists by hand.

In accordance with the specialistsโ€™ points of view, the first printed item was commissioned by Sir Henry Cole. It had a size of 12x7cm and depicted a Christmas family dinner. The picture was supplemented with the inscription: โ€œMerry Christmas and a happy New Year!โ€

The first postcards saw the world in 1869. They were issued in Austria and were dense paper without a picture with a postage stamp in the right corner. A drawing appeared on them later and after that the postcard became proudly called โ€œartisticโ€.


What does Hug A Greeting Card Writer Day mean? Well, we canโ€™t answer this question instead of you. Why? โ€“ The matter is that we donโ€™t know you personally, that is why we are not able even to predict whether you are going to celebrate this occasion. You see, in the modern world there are a lot of those, who find the hobby of sending cards old-fashioned or even stupid.

Despite the rapid growth of electronic communications, the greeting card has not lost its significance even nowadays. However, its role has noticeably decreased, since the most part of the correspondence is started to be sent in the various kinds of the envelopes.

But, even despite this fact the greeting card pleases with new designs. Gradually it has turned into an independent gift souvenir, which can be sent by post or brought from travelling.

The advertising card is still relevant. But nowadays it has not put into the packaging of goods anymore. It is usually arranged on special shelves in prestigious places of the contemporary offices. A new direction in the design and manufacture of the greeting cards was outlined. It is called a โ€œbusinessโ€ card or a corporate one.


Discovering the matter โ€œWhen is International Hug A Greeting Card Writer Day 2025?โ€ we found a significant amount of various pieces of information and today we are going to share them with you.

From the very beginning we should mention that a postcard is an open letter or postal card that can be sent by ordinary not electronic mail. Over the past 20 years, the postcard has undergone significant changes. So, on the reverse side of the ordinary item you canโ€™t meet the name of the author anymore. The matter is that in the most case only computer technologies are used. The development of printing has affected the front side – the colors are more saturated and contrasting. Inside we meet the finished text and illustration. But do not forget that handmade cards are much more valuable and enjoyable, especially today.

Actually, there is a special direction devoted to this sphere. It is called philocardium and nowadays it is considered to be a special science that studies history and the things in general. Scientists involved in this science, explore the consciousness of the past society on the basis of postcards. But there is a main secret, which is almost impossible to comprehend – how it is possible to convey the most sincere feelings – love, trust, appreciation, using a regular cardboard rectangle.

Despite the rich history, the authors of the images always remained in the shadows. One of the most famous artists who designed these pieces is Lydia Jacobson (1926-2005). Her first card, which went into circulation in 1965, was signed by a new surname Manilova, who remained with her from her first and only marriage. At that time, in the USSR, the design of postcards was gaining immense popularity, and Manilova gained well-deserved popularity among the people and the demand among publishers.


When is Hug A Greeting Card Writer Day in 2025, calendar will surely remind you. As it has been already mentioned above, this occasion is held in the specialized circles on September 18th annually. So you have to memorize the date if you are going to be involved one day. Actually, it wonโ€™t be difficult as the occasion has a fixed date.

Do you know how to celebrate this holiday properly? – As you perhaps understand that there are no special traditions or rules devoted to it.

However, you are free to invent something amazing for yourself as well as for your surroundings. What about sending the items to the people around? โ€“ Imagine yourself to become a careful writer for one day. Write whatever you want and you feel. Try to share good mood and positive emotions. Then go to the post office and to send it.

The addressees will be really glad to receive this sheet of paper. As the practice shows, even the hardest hearts melt when the person finds something special in his/her postboxes.

National Hug A Greeting Card Writer Day Facts

Investigating the question โ€œWhat is the date of Hug A Greeting Card Writer Day in 2025?โ€ we came to the conclusion that our followers would be really glad to discover something new about this direction.

Among the representatives of the modern society there has been a new explosion of interest in this direction. The tendency has already had its name. It is called postcrossing. This passion for various cards is popular around the planet. It began a few years ago and its goal is a free exchange of these small sheets of paper with residents of various countries and even continents.

The only thing you have to do to be involved is to register on the special site and to fill out the online form.ย  After that you randomly receive the addresses of those men and women who will be very happy to get your postcard. In accordance with the rules, you have to send the required card and somebody on the planet will send to you in turn. The amazing thing is that the name and the destination are kept in secret until the last minute.

Many people are really happy to home after work, being tired or even exhausted, and to find a card in the mailbox. A wonderful or an amazing postcard from France, England, Taiwan or any other destination with the wishes of all the best, will force you to smile! Sometimes people register on the site mentioned above in order to learn or to improve their English. In a word, the history of this hobby continues even in the 21st century.


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