The day of memory of Saint Jacob the Syrian

December 9 is commemorated by the Orthodox Church the memory of Saint Jacob the Syrian (hermit). The first mentions of Jacob’s life were written in the book “History of God-lovers” by Feodorit Kyrskyi, who knew the monk personally.

Jacob the Syrian lived and performed his exploits in the 5th century on a mountain in the open sky near the Syrian city of Cyrus. At the time of writing the book, Jacob spent 38 years in prayer. The monk, despite his serious illness, led an ascetic life: he wore chains and a headscarf, ate boiled lentils only in the evening, worked and prayed without ceasing. Due to firm faith, righteousness and patience, the monk achieved spiritual perfection and received from the Lord the gift of casting out demons, healing and resurrecting the dead. The monk passed away in 457. A monastery on Kafr Rahim was built in his honor.

The day of memory of Saint Jacob the Syrian
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