Memorial Day of the Martyrs Cyrus and John and with them the Martyrs Athanasius and her daughters Theodotia, Theoktista and Eudoxia
Every year on February 13, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of the silverless martyrs Cyrus and John and with them the martyr Athanasius and her daughters Theodotia, Theoktista and Eudoxiawho are included among the saints for having suffered for the faith during the persecution of Christians.
Cyrus was a doctor by profession, but he healed not only the body, but also the soul, turning people to God. John served in the army, but later embraced Christianity and met Cyrus. Athanasius was faithful to the Lord, and for that she and her daughters were arrested.
John and Cyrus made their way to the prison in order to strengthen the spirit of the Christian martyrs. Siriane, who detained the women, learning about this, forced all the captives to betray Christianity with terrible torture. Athanasius and his daughters endured all the torment without betraying the Lord, which is why they were executed. After that, Siriane tortured the ascetics Cyrus and John for a long time, but everything was in vain: the holy martyrs died, keeping faith in God in their souls.