Memorial Day of Saint Makary Zhabinsky, Belevsky miracle worker
Every year, the Orthodox Church celebrates February 4 Memorial Day of Saint Makarios Zhabinsky, Belevsky miracle workerwho was a monk and led a strict ascetic lifestyle.
Makariy Zhabinskyi was born in 1539 and died in 1623, having lived to the age of 84. Monk Makariy founded the Zhabynska (after the name of the city) Vvedenska (after the name of the main church) hermitage (monastery in a remote place) in 1585. Macarius often secluded himself in the forest, suffered thirst, hunger, cold and heat.
God rewarded the monk with the gift of miracles. For example, once Macarius hit the ground with his staff and at the same moment and in the same place a spring of clean water appeared.
Over time, the memory of exploits Makaria Zhabinsky was forgotten, but thanks to Abbot Iona, in 1888 the commemoration of the Belevsky miracle worker was revived, and already in 1889, a church named after him was built under the burial place of Saint Makarios.