International Reggae Day
A bright musical holiday is celebrated every year on July 1 in Kingston, Jamaica – International Reggae Day. This date is dedicated to introducing the whole world to an incomparable style of music. Thousands of fans and supporters of reggae celebrate her day.
What is reggae?
Reggie is a direction of modern music that originated in Jamaica in the late 1960s and quickly gained worldwide popularity. Characteristic features of the style are an unpolished sound and a strong dependence of the compositions on the rhythm. According to the recognized king of reggae, Bob Marley, the name of the music genre comes from a Spanish term that means “royal music”.
By the late 1970s, the musical style had spread rapidly beyond the small island of Jamaica. Reggae fans appeared in the United States, Australia and Great Britain. Later, accompanying genres and variations arose in the musical style. Jamaicans see in reggae not just a musical direction, but a whole exotic philosophy, the brightest sunny music in the world.
How is International Reggae Day celebrated?
Various events are held in Kingston in honor of the holiday. The celebration program usually includes a dance party, mass yoga classes are held outdoors. The city organizes scientific conferences and even plants so-called regi-trees in the Liberation Park.
An interesting and almost the main event of the holiday is the musical marathon, which takes place on a grand scale. It is held on the territory of the Countryside Club, a well-known hotel-restaurant in Kingston. Musicians from all over Jamaica and other countries are invited here to perform reggae compositions. Together with the islanders, the holiday is widely celebrated in New York, Sao Paulo, Bombay, London, Honolulu and Barcelona.