Independence Day of the Republic of Costa Rica

September 15 Costa Ricans celebrate Independence Day – countries in Central America, neighboring Panama and Nicaragua. The country was discovered by Christopher Columbus – it was he who encountered the natives in gold jewelry in 1502 on a small island in the Caribbean Sea. Then, based on the sailor’s stories, the Spaniards called these islands the “rich coast”.

In 1821, Costa Rica ceased to be a Spanish colony. In addition, on September 15, the national holiday of sovereignty is celebrated in 4 friendly countries: Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and El Salvador. After the declaration of independence, the country quickly adopted the first constitution, in December the first elections were held, in which Juan Mora Fernández won.

Interesting Facts

  • Although the area of ​​Costa Rica occupies only 0.3% of the land area of ​​the entire planet, 5% of the world’s stock of biodiversity is concentrated here.
  • It is the first country in the world to abandon the use of fossil fuels in the energy sector. As of 2018, the state received 99% of its energy from renewable natural sources.

Independence Day of the Republic of Costa Rica
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