Independence Day of the Republic of Chad
August 11 is celebrated Independence Day of the African Republic of Chad. On this day in 1960, the state’s independence from France was officially declared.
After the Second World War, the process of moving away from the colonial system began. First, in 1946, Chad became an overseas territory of France, and 12 years later – a republic with the rights of limited French autonomy. At this time, political parties appear, which marks the beginning of the transition from the colony to democratic rule.
Full date independence of the Republic of Chad it is considered August 11, 1960. It was then that the first president elected by the people appeared in the country. It is interesting that the republic still has not gotten rid of the influence of the colonial system, although the foreign policy of the parliament develops according to the unitary model.
After independence was declared in the republic, it became dependent on Western countries, including France and the USA. Such a nuance had a significant impact on foreign policy activity.