Independence Day of the Kingdom of Eswatini
on September 6 The Kingdom of Eswatini celebrates its independence (formerly Swaziland). The small country is located in the southern part of Africa, known for its nature reserves and festivals of national culture.
In 1903, the territory of Swaziland came under the control of Great Britain, since 1968 the state acquired the status of a self-governing country. Independence Day is a national event, it is also called “Somlolo Day” or “Sobhuza Day” in honor of Chief Sobhuza II, who has been the king of Swaziland since 1921. It was he who in 1973 disregarded the adopted constitution and took supreme power into his own hands, starting an absolute monarchy. In 2018, on the occasion of the country’s 50th anniversary, King Mswati III announced the change of its name. Swaziland is now called Eswatini, which translates from the local dialect as “the land of the Swazi people”.
Independence Day in Eswatini is celebrated loudly, according to enduring customs and traditions. The king always makes a speech to his subjects, then dances with them in a festive ceremony. All festive events are held in the capital of the state, Lobamba, at the Somlolo National Stadium.