Birthday smiley

What day is it?

Birthday emoticon (smiles) celebrated every year on September 19. The icon consists of numbers, letters and punctuation marks. All together means the expression of emotions. Emoticons usually complement the history of communication on the Internet. Thanks to them, you can convey joy, sympathy, surprise and other gestures for a more interesting conversation.

The story of the birthday smiley

The history of the badge began back in 1963 in the USA. The famous artist Harvey Bell drew a cheerful smiling face, which became the business card of the insurance company. Later, in 1982, Scott Falman created the first smiley on the Internet. He proposed to his colleagues the idea of ​​using a specific sequence of characters in letters. These symbols resembled a smiling human face.

Today, the variety of emoticons allows you not only to show your emotions, but also to depict zodiac signs, three-dimensional numbers and letters, flowers, etc.

When will we celebrate the smiley’s birthday?

Year Date Weekday
2021 September 19 Sunday
2022 September 19 Monday
2023 September 19 Tuesday
2024 September 19 Thursday
2025 September 19 Friday

Birthday smiley
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