1. The first pistol was produced by Camillo Vetelli in 1536. He gave the name of his invention in honor of his native the city of Pistoia. The disadvantage was that such a weapon is single-shot. Therefore, when exactly 300 years later John Pearson designed the revolverwhich had a drum with cartridges, it became a real revolution.
  2. Some people invented the revolver mistakenly believed to be Samuel Colt. In fact, the idea belongs to an American To John Pearson, who sold her to Colt. At first, the entrepreneur had to travel around the country with product advertisements in search of investors. But later he received an order for 1,000 units of weapons, which made it possible to open his own production.
  3. He helped Samuel Colt get his first contract Texas Ranger Walker. At the end of the next century, the name of this captain was immortalized by Chuck Norris, who released the cult series of the same name.
  4. Colt died in 1862, making his fortune $300 million on the production and distribution of weapons. He was considered one of the richest businessmen in America. In a letter to his brother, Samuel complained that he had to pay $100,000 for illegal customs clearance of his products. In our time, this figure is approximately 2 million dollars.
  5. The smallest functional revolver there is a Swiss model C1ST. The length of the weapon is 3.5 cmwidth – 1 cm. The weight is 20 g, and the cartridge caliber is only 2.34 mm. Ammunition is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest in the world. It is impossible to kill with this revolver, but it is a full-fledged firearm, the use of which requires a permit.
  6. A revolver with three barrels is recognized as the most dangerous. It was made by a mad Italian craftsman whose name remains unknown. Only one copy currently exists. The weapon allows you to fire 18 shots without reloading the drum. When you combine this with the caliber of 6.35mm cartridges, even a bad shooter has almost a 100% chance of hitting the target.
  7. In a conventional pistol, cartridge cases are ejected. But in a revolver, they remain inside and require forced extraction. Also the revolver has no fuses. To prevent an accidental shot, simply do not pull the trigger.
  8. The biggest revolver believed to be a copy of Remington’s 1858 model. Its length is 126 cm, weight – 45 kg, and the caliber of the bullets is 28 mm. It took 2,500 hours for Polish Ryszard Tobis to create this weapon. This revolver is fully operational, despite the fact that it is very difficult to call it a pocket weapon.
  9. In the second half of the 19th century, production began in France revolver-knife-dagger Apache under the patent of the Belgian gunsmith Dolne. In the folded state, the weapon has a length of 110 mm, and with the blade extended – 200 mm. It is almost impossible to cause serious bodily harm with this device, but it is possible to protect yourself from thieves in a dark alley.
  10. Australian Evelyn Owen designed revolver-machine gun, the drum of which contains 50 cartridges. This was the first experience of the inventor, made in his own garage. The automatic firing mechanism was provided by a spiral spring, which was used in gramophones.
Top 5 revolvers

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interesting facts about the revolver


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