Among the feasts and holidays, that we celebrate this year, perhaps the most interesting and colorful is the feast of St. Patrick’s Day. This is the cheerful and excited event in the Ireland and the world, where living Irish-at-heart folks and where the Irish diaspora is present in large quantities ( England, Canada, Argentina, the United States). In other countries, where the celebrated St. Patrick’s Day, this holiday is not official. This is true of countries, which are home to some Irish. In addition, this festival becomes popular even in Russia.

St. Patrick's Day 2018

Big day – big fun

In spring 2018, people will enjoy this cheerful festival full of parades and entertainments. What is the date of St. Patrick’s Day 2018 not everyone knows. This will happen on 17 March. Although the certain date and place of the death of Saint Patrick’s are unknown. However, the holiday date is certain. Therefore, on March 17, many places are colored into green, people wearing green garb, finding shamrocks, take part in more than 21 festivities.

What day is St. Patrick’s Day in 2018

For people in other countries, St. Patrick’s Day is a fun and bustling holiday, during which making a large-scale celebration, but for the Irish nation, this date has a big importance. This day – is a memory day for whole Ireland. We are talking about Patrick, who brought Christianity to the country and release it from paganism. In addition, March 17 is a holiday in all of the Irish heritage. Therefore, Patrick’s Day Irish celebrate even irreligious people.

The history

Interesting, how this day become a big revelry with a lot of drinking? The history of St. Patrick is a little bit modest than this celebration that we see today. For now, when is St. Patrick’s Day in 2018 – are curious so many folks. But not all of them realize that this celebration is not so close related with actual Patrick. Funny, that St. Patrick wasn’t even Irish. The story tells that Patrick grew up in a rich wealthy family, and his future was predetermined in luxury. But when he become 16, he was kidnapped, and then somehow sold to Ireland to slavery.

St. Patrick

These children and slaves generally performed only the hard work, but Patrick determined to graze cattle in the service of an Irish gentleman. So he spent six years, driving the cattle to the pasture. In here faith came to him. During all these years, he has unceasingly prayed for release, and the God heard him.

One day he had a weird dreaming and someone said to him: Run, where you expect the ship. Patrick did so, but he couldn’t pay cause of no money. He was tearfully asking the captain to take him with them until he took him out of pity.

When he arrived, Patrick became interested in religious life and became righteously fulfill all of God’s laws. Some sources claim that he served in the monasteries and even had a certain rank, but there are, are all refuted. However that did not happen, he was close to God to exist.

In one dream he heard a voice that told to come back to Ireland and bring the faith to Catholicism. Patrick did not take long and went for a blessing to missionaries and they gave him what he desired. All that time, Patrick spent traveling around Ireland and called people to faith, his eloquence was so strong that he collected the full area of people. Many confused legends today telling different stories about Patrick. Some of them believed that he called next to him all the snakes and ordered them to abandon the country. But another version is about paganism, which Patrick replaced the Catholic faith. Everyone believes and understands how he wants, but the saint is highly valued and respected for his faith.


The celebration of St. Patrick’s Day. Traditions and new style

This holiday has pagan elements, such as leprechauns, which are the shoemaker and own an endless pot of gold. In the cities and towns of Ireland, there are parades, where people go to celebrate. Clothes are really extravagant, but anyway, it is a funny tradition, and folks support it. And the whole places are filled with a music. Pilgrims traveling to the holy mountain where Patrick banished the snake, completely barefoot. Maybe this is just legend, but no more snakes in Ireland till to this day. To not miss these big celebrations u must learn, when is St. Patrick’s Day 2018 and find some green clothes.


This holiday has many kinds of traditions. Some of them are so vivid and memorable that they have been known everywhere.

  • Green clothes (When streets are green and people wearing green – all this looks really interesting)
  • Shamrocks (folks send to each other on this day pictures of four-leaf clover)
  • On this day, many pubs and bars have fun beer parties, which attract not only lovers of Irish culture, but simple lovers of entertainment.
  • On this day, people wear not just green clothes, but also putting shamrocks on those.

When is St. Patrick’s Day in 2018? Calendar day – 17 march. Don’t miss the party!


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