Contemporary people like having animals as their home pets in their houses or apartments. Some prefer traditional cats, dogs or fish, others choose exotic iguanas, spiders or even crocodiles. Frankly speaking, it is not a surprise and there are a lot of children, who donโt even imagine their life without a bunny. We are right, arenโt we? But can you answer the question โWhen is National Rabbit Day in 2025?โ immediately and without thinking? In this case we mean both domestic and wild creatures.
Unfortunately, a great amount of modern men and women are not able to do it and that is the main reason, why we have decided to discover this matter properly.
Of course, it is really difficult to reply, what day World Rabbit Day in 2025 is, without the historical background of this event. It is a real pity, however the establishers of this curious day arenโt known well.
The holiday was established by charitable organizations in order to attract much attention of the world public to the problems of the death of a large number of rabbits as a result of neighborhood with people.
In huge quantities these humble animals are used by mankind in various fields of activity: for food, as a raw material for fur processing production, felt and knitting industries. And we shouldnโt forget about numerous scientific researches and diagnostic laboratories, where they are taken as experimental ones.
What does National Rabbit Day mean? Frankly speaking, it is up to you to decide whether to celebrate this holiday or not.
However, all over the world on this day the specialists come forward with a request for humane treatment of rabbits during their breeding and regulating their numbers. They also call for a reduction in the use of fur from rabbits and their meat in public catering. These men and women take care of these creaturesโ well-being and health.
Rabbits, mostly the dwarf or the decorative ones, have been in the list of fashionable pets for a long time. International holiday, which has appeared recently, is celebrated in all countries at the end of September. This year it will be on September 26. However, have you ever heard that in Japan, the theme of rabbits is considered to be of particular importance? In Japan these cute and furry creatures are considered to be a symbol of stability and prosperity.
Sometimes these celebrations are organized by specialized companies that promote food, vitamins and clothes for these animals. First two points are more or less clear, but why do rabbits need clothes, as they have fur? But on the first hand their owners really want to stand out and dress their pets! The most popular rabbit clothes are scarves, hats and sweaters, then at the fashion show you can see more original models. The event is sure to please everyone and inspire the owners of rabbits to create new clothes for their eared pet.
Before answering the question โWhen is International Rabbit Day 2025?โ we canโt but mention that in the world there are about 200 breeds of rabbits, and among them about fifty โ are fluffy and kept as decorative as pets. On this day fans of rabbits are united into various clubs and institutions. The initiative people organize exhibitions and competitions of their eared pets.
But, unfortunately, sometimes it happens, that unkind people take a rabbit as a pet, play with it and then throw it away. One of the places, where the poor and abandoned animals are, is the zoo, which becomes a real shelter. The specialists take care of them, create the necessary conditions for their life. The exposition of the zoo usually contains some animals. They live peacefully in spacious aviaries, eating tasty vegetables and fruits.
International rabbit day is another chance to tell people how much joy this living being can bring to the house, and an ideal occasion to please wonderful long-eared pets.
The rabbit festival is a great event for the Japanese as well as for other men and women, who are fond of these creatures. Each year the theme of the festival is different, and clothes for rabbits should match it. Let’s say that in 2010 the theme of the holiday was chosen thanks to these lovely fluffy creatures, and in 2012 the theme sounded like “bonds” – the connection of the human and animal world. But the largest celebration was organized in 2011 – in the year of the white rabbit.
So you have already known the answer to the question โWhat is the date of Rabbit Day 2025?โ but would you like to find out how to celebrate September 26 properly?
All in all there are many ways for this and some of them are very amazing.
For example, you recreation program may include a visit the Museum of Poisonous Substances, opened in 1988, camping, playing golf and other entertainments there.
All fans of this unusual colorful holiday love the special festival of rabbits which passes in Japan since 2009. Every year, in honor of “Rabbit Day” in the Japanese city of Yokohama, you can see a real rabbit fashion show, which is attended by over 8 thousand spectators!
Yokohama is the second largest city in Japan after Tokyo. It is here, on the day of the rabbit, you can take part in various fashion shows dedicated to these cute animals. The first show of fashionable living beings, which took place in 2009, was a very unusual event in the fashion industry and at one time made a lot of noise.
Rabbit Day Facts
When is Rabbit Day in 2025, calendar will remind you without any problems, but it would be rather interesting to find out some amazing information about these animals and the holiday celebration.
Here is our list:
- Okunoshima is a small island located in the prefecture of Hiroshima, which is called the โRabbit Islandโ among the contemporary tourists. Animals live here, as in paradise. – They have complete freedom and isolation from any predators. The administration has already built a small hotel, especially for the island visitors, who came to feed friendly animals and enjoy the communication with them. For the lovers of more extreme relaxation, there is an opportunity to spend a night in the open air in a tent, enjoying the nature of this unique place.
- It is interesting to mention that the park described above is located in a really amazing place. Why? โ The matter is that on that territory in the 1929-1945-ies there was a plant for the poison gas production. Nowadays you can find only ruins, which have been left from the former factory, and the island in Japan has become a favorite place for both visitors and local residents. Such an unofficial name it has received because of its main inhabitants.
All in all there are two versions as to the reason of the rabbit appearance:
- Animals were brought here during the Second World War in order to use them to test the effectiveness of weapons at the local plant.
- Rabbits were released by a group of schoolchildren in 1971 and then their quantity has been increased significantly.
Nowadays hunting for rabbits is prohibited here, so you will not be able to visit the island with your dog or cat. Tourists are offered to feed rabbits, especially in winter, when there is a catastrophically shortage of natural food. Favorite delicacies of these animals are cabbage, carrots and special food that can be purchased directly at the hotel, for only one dollar.