Have you guys heard when such holiday as Dussehra (Vijaya Dashami) is in 2024? I came across while looking through my Holiday’s Calendar and it pushed me to share with you.

Dussehra means the culmination of the Vedic Feast of Navaratri (the 10th day of the lunar Ashvin month (September-October)). Dussehra symbolizes the victory of the godlike forces over demon creatures.

Well, I was once browsing the calendar to find out when is Dussehra in 2024, when I noticed that October 25 which belongs to Vijaya Dashami (Dussehra).


Dussehra 2024 acts as one of the year’s strongest day. The Victory of the Light forces over the forces of Darkness. On this day Durga’s victory over the great evil Bhandasura and his dark forces is celebrated. This day is established as Rama’s defeat over the demon Ravana. Moreover, this celebration is marked as Arjuna worshiped Davy before the battle with the Kauravas.


When demon Ravana lost the battle to Rama, he gave such a blessing: all sincere desires that will be envisioned on this day will necessarily be fulfilled. If Rama has promised, then he will fulfill his promise. You just need to be able to convey to him the desires.


What does Dussehra 2024 mean? It is an ideal possibility to aformalize in written form your life plans – the seeds of intentions will fall on fertile soil. “Sowing” is better to arrange in the morning. On one or several sheets of paper you need to write by hand specific goals for six months, a year, five, ten years and the whole life. At the end of the list, a phrase must be added, indicating non-attachment to your expectations,- “For all the love of God.” “Love” can be replaced by “will”.

Practice shows that it’s difficult to understand life goals at once, so it’s worthwhile to think about them in advance and prepare some drafts, and in Akshay-trit Ju or Vijaya-dashi simply rewrite everything. Achieved “document” should be periodically reviewed, and a year later on an auspicious day – updated.

What is good to do on this day (25th October, when is Dussehra 2024):

  • Praying from the heart. You can go to the temple.
  • Read some mantra for the Godlike Women’s Energy, according to your tradition (mantra Durga, Lakshmi, Saraswati or Theotokos).
  • Decorate the house and bring an atmosphere of abundance. Decorations should include yellow and red flowers. Red roses are good. Opened sweets and fruits, let them stand beautifully on the table (or on the tables). This will create an atmosphere of abundance.
  • Write a wish list.

How to work with a wish list:

  • To issue in written form your life plans for a week, a month, half a year, one year, five years, 10 years, all your life, – the seeds of intentions will fall on fertile soil.
  • It is highly recommended arranging a “sowing” in the morning.
  • On one or several sheets of paper, you need to write by hand specific goals. At the end of the list is necessarily added a phrase that shows no attachment to their expectations, “To all the love of God.” “It’s all in God’s hands”.
  • Practice shows that it’s difficult to understand life goals in one sitting, so it’s worthwhile to think about them in advance and prepare drafts, and in Vijaya-Dashi simply rewrite everything completely. The resulting “document” should be periodically reviewed, and a year later on an auspicious day – to update.


Knowing what day Dussehra in 2024 is, we can turn to the fact it plays an enormous role in the national culture of India and shows their attitude to the ancient symbols.

Vijaya – Dashami.

This day is favorable for:

  • Starting new important business;
  • Making a wish;
  • Laying the foundation;
  • Conceiving pious children;
  • Planning your future;
  • Performing services;
  • Taking austerities (they will pass as easily as possible!).


You can write a mood for a later life, ask God’s blessings to accomplish all the most favorable for you!

Let all the bright and positive to prevail over everything negative in your life!


The culmination moment of Devi’s veneration in the middle autumn Vedic holiday of Sharad-Navaratri (Ashvina-Navaratri) is symbolized by the festivity of Vijaya-Dashami, that is, the celebration of Davy’s final victory over all rakshasas on the 10th day of Sharad-Navaratri (Ashvina-Navaratri).

Dynamic side of the Superior Reality in the Vedic tradition is personified by the Heavenly Mother (Mother Godlike). Sharad-Navaratri is a festival of her worship. The three types of the Heavenly Mother are worshiped during this festival. The first period belongs to Durga, the second one to Lakshmi, and the last three days to Sarasvati. Durga gives physical strength, Lakshmi means material prosperity, and Sarasvati means secular and spiritual knowledge. Vijaya-Dashami is a time when the Heavenly Mother conquered rakshasas [demonic entities]. Navaratri Festival (or its tenth day) is also known as ‘Dasser’ or ‘Dusser’.

There is an interesting story in the Puranas about the Devatas governing the tithe [lunar days] associated with Navaratri. Among all the tithes [lunar days] Ashtami (8th tithe) and Navami (9th tithe) are considered unfavorable, and they complained about it to Lord Narayana (Narayana). To alleviate their resentment, he twice incarnated in these tithes – like Krishna (in Ashtami) and as Rama (in Navami), and therefore in Navaratri, these tithes are called Durga-Ashtami and Maha-Navami.

Dussehra Celebration


During all days of the holiday it is recommended to abstain from sex, eating meat, fish, wine, smoking, visiting entertaining secular institutions, etc. Seekers return to their Origin, their nature. This strengthens the levels of our existence – natural, slender and level of intelligence, logic. During fasting, the body is freed from toxins; hush helps language, and meditation supports to plunge deeper into us.

Navaratri days are also a possibility to prevail over the basic qualities that form the whole world. Our life is controlled by three characters; we don’t realize and think about it. The whole holiday is divided into 3 periods; each of them contains 3 days. The first period of Navaratri is the Tamas belonging, the next period inherent to the Rajas guna and the last one to the Sattva guna. Victory and success reign when the time turns to Sattwa guna.

Navaratri Holiday is a symbolic process of the metamorphosis of a man who leads the path of self-perfection, the highest step of which is the realization of his Heavenly nature. Navaratri, the time of purification, has traditionally been a favorable period of time for new things and beginnings.

Accepting that Divinity is present in every form and in every name, regardless of the religions and gods we worship, this is the feast of Navaratri.

To sum up, let’s summarize the main points of the Festival and find out what is the date of Dussehra 2024:

  • Vijaya Dashami will be held on 25th of October;
  • The main principle is to read some mantra for the Heavenly Women’s Energy, according to your tradition (mantra Durga, Lakshmi, Saraswati or Theotokos);
  • Also, it is important to issue in written form your life plans for a week, a month, half a year, one year, five years, 10 years, all your life, – the seeds of intentions will fall on fertile soil;
  • The celebration should come from your heart. But if you don’t share this festivity, then tryings will be not effective at all.


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