When is National IPA Day in 2024? โ€“ Can you answer this question immediately and without hesitations? Or perhaps do you need some additional time to reply? Unfortunately, as the practice shows, among the representatives of the modern society only a few people are ready to do it. Others will try to find the answer through the Internet and will be rather surprised to find out that the holiday like this one does really exist in the contemporary calendar. In order to clarify the situation, today we are going to investigate the direction in details. Would you like to join? We are starting.


Discovering the matter what day IPA Day in 2024 is, we found out that it contained a lot of amazing pieces of information. As a rule, our followers want to know something special about the historical background of the event. They are especially interested in the establishers of the holiday as well as about the reasons to celebrate it on a particular date.

Unfortunately, we donโ€™t know the exact names of the founders. However, in their turns, the historians are almost sure that initially it was nothing, but a successful marketing decision. Somebody wanted to organize a holiday in order to sell as much of the drink as it was possible.

The drink itself has a relatively long history. In the 19th century, when England owned many colonies, the IPA was born as a drink for crown citizens in India, where beer performed two main functions – combating the shortage of drinking water and quenching thirst. Actually, it withstood quite a long transit from foggy Albion to the shores of India and quite quickly won the hearts of local British.

In addition to the noble goal, in the appearance of India Pale Ale, there are also mercantile moments. It is known that in addition to brewing, England was famous for coal mining. So in the XVIII century Albion’s industrialists learned how to mine coke from coal. Local Brewing Company immediately saw a benefit in it. And almost immediately they began to dry malt on it. Thus, dried malt became the basis of October Ale, which was traditionally cooked in the fall, and then insisted for a year in wooden barrels with the addition of hops. It was this strong, 8-12% hoppy October Ale that can be called the father of IPA.

By the way, today’s purists (mostly British) nostalgically recall the past and say that now IPA is not IPA anymore. The hop is NOT English, it is brewed in England too carbonized, even the yeast, in their opinion, is no longer the same.


What does IPA Day mean? โ€“ Frankly speaking we canโ€™t even predict whether this special occasion means something for you or not. In order to do it, we have to know you personally and as you understand it is almost impossible, as our readers are from all over the planet.

All in all bitter, aromatic and universal hops are used to hop Indian light ale. The degree of hoppy depends on when the hops are usually added: at the beginning of cooking, at the end or it was added throughout the cooking. Hops, added at the beginning, give a rich bitterness and a minimum of aroma, at the end – a rich aroma and a minimum of bitterness.

Here are the brewers looking for the perfect balance. If you, say, ever drank IPA in bottles, you probably drew attention to the numbers on the label: 60, 90 or 120. They indicate the cooking time, and, accordingly, the degree of hopping.

If, after preparing the drink, the creator understands that the necessary aromatic concept has not been achieved, you can use the dry hopping method, which is characterized by adding a portion of hops to the fermentation tank. Actually, this was done with the insistence of October Ale.

The aromatic types of beer are called Harvest Ales and Wet Hop Ales. They use very fresh, un-dried hop cones for dry hopping to achieve maximum flavor. It turns out an oxymoron – dry-hopped with wet hops – “dry hopping with wet hops.”


Talking about the question โ€œWhen is International IPA Day 2024?โ€ we canโ€™t but mention the peculiar features of this drink and the holiday in general.

For example, have you ever heard that modern IPA should be drunk as quickly as possible (in the sense of not taking large sips immediately to the bottom, but for a minimum of time from the date of manufacture). Although there are some nuances. Often labels do not even indicate the expiration date, only the date of manufacture. This is due to the catastrophically rapid loss of bitterness and decay of substances that gives the aroma.

Here the obvious question arises: โ€œWhy was beer transported to India, able to withstand 6 months of transportation?โ€ Everything is simple, then the Brewing Company sent it, it put the drink mildly, too bitter beer, and during transportation the bitterness came to an acceptable level. Modern beer artists skillfully juggle with bitterness, giving us the opportunity to drink beer immediately after its birth.

In general, among the craft beer, the IPA feels confident, but manufacturers are not in a hurry to mass-market it. Why? โ€“ The matter is that after all, an ordinary citizen still prefers classic types of beer.


When is IPA Day in 2024, calendar will surely remind you. And as a rule, there are no problems with memorizing the date. However, you have to be careful under the condition you are going to be involved. Why? โ€“ You see, the matter is that the special occasion doesnโ€™t have a fixed date of its celebration. Annually it is kept on the first Thursday in August. In 2024 it will happen on August 6th. However, in 2021 the date will be a bit different, of course.

As you perhaps understand this holiday is not celebrated on the state level. It would be quite stupid to wait for any events organized by the local authorities. However, some pubs would be rather glad to invite you to their celebration. As a rule, during this event you will be able to taste this tasty drink and enjoy the company of merry people.

Under the condition you donโ€™t want to go outside, try to organize a party at home. Invite as many guests as you want to see, buy some drink and spend an amazing day together. The drink will help you to relax and to forget about your worries. It is going to become a real holiday.

National IPA Day Facts

The question โ€œWhat is the date of IPA Day in 2024?โ€ is not as easy as it may seem at the first sight. It contains a lot of amazing facts and today we are going to represent some of them to you. Here is the list of the most interesting ones:

  • It is considered to be a particular type of pale ale that uses more hops than ordinary ales. This type of beer originated in England.
  • Despite the typical mistake, there are some differences between IPA and APA. IPA – Indian Pale Ale, a type of beer originated in the UK. APA – American Pale Ale – is an analogue of the IPA, which uses American hops. APA often has more bitterness, more density and percentage of alcohol content.
  • This beer has such bitterness due to the use of more hops during brewing.
  • Talking about the snacks which goes best with this drink we canโ€™t but mention that under this condition the assortment is really wide. However, everything depends on the style of the IPA. Often people drink it without any snacks, but you can use meat or vegetable dishes, fruits, seafood. It is only up to you to decide actually. Tastes differ, of course.


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