People all around the world adore music. It never lets us indifferent. The chant of birds, lullabies, the chorus sings in churches, pop-stars’ concerts, radio, and TV, music is everywhere. We adore singer and bands, orchestras and operas in the front stage although we sometimes do not observe some men or women at the backstage, people who create the music too but stay unseen. We are speaking about drummers, the professional musicians who keep the beat and rhythm. What is more, their role is one of the most important in the whole music performance because without a good rhythm no one could perfectly sing the song. The global day when National Hug a Drummer Day is in 2024 points attention on these talented percussionists who stay overshadowed by the frontmen of their bands.

The meaning of the celebration

What does National Hug a Drummer Day in 2024 mean for Americans?

Life is very often unfair and sometimes very skillful men occupy the back burner but they play one of the most important role in many spheres of human life. This is the case of musicians who play drums. Do you think it is easy to master such a difficult instrument? This job requires a lot of attention, the perfect musical skills and of course talent. Moreover, it is one of the hardest musical tasks because you always risk having some problems with ears.

National Hug A Drummer Day

The holiday of the players accentuates on the professional abilities of players and gives purposes of accomplishing:

  • Respect and honor every drummer
  • Raise people’ awareness on this musical instrument
  • Promote the art of being musician
  • Make men begin to visit the musical classes
  • Educate the creative and skillful personality
  • Make children and adults be interested in music in general, take part in concerts
  • Cultivate the aesthetic taste

The history of the anniversary

October 10th in the world calendar is marked the special time when is International Hug a Drummer Day in 2024. Despite, some local national communities celebrate this feast on the other days, for example, Russian commemorate it May 31st.  In any case, you may choose the day of honoring by yourselves.

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Studying the historical sources, this kind of music tool was found from the beginning of human history. The Middle Ages started using the drums for the announcement of king’s will and for every important piece of information. Little boys taboured while the town criers were reading the news in the city centers.

Its traces are close to the military art where the set and its players played an important role. Before every big battle, its sounds uplifted the martial spirit of warriors, inviting them to combat and to put in the boot. The musical tool was widely spread in parades and ceremonies and until now it is used in huge national and global events. There is one interesting fact that it is also used in some religious events, for example, Catholic Church allowed priests to use them during the mass because it is widely spread on the African continent and one cannot imagine local people without playing on it.

Nowadays variations of shapes and volume of drums impress. Still, its mission remains similar through ages that is to draw attention, to announce, to surprise and to inspire.

The definition of the day

Concerning the fact what is the date of National Hug a Drummer Day in 2024, it is curious to reflect upon the influence that drums beat make on all human organism. Why does it provide the therapeutic intervention? In the matter of fact, the idea of employing the hand instrument is not new. There are even miraculous cases of healing where the official medicine was impuissant.

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The following facts may surprise you but these are positive effects drums produce on our bodies and souls.

  • It makes the relaxing ambiance and decreases the stress giving some energy and strength if you are very tired.
  • The tool has the properties to provide the source of euphoria and good emotions. It assures the feelings of self-confidence and internal peace. If you are angry or frustrated, it is enough to play a couple of minutes on it and the situation will change.
  • The instrument gained a great popularity in psychology. The therapists employ the drum set when people need some medical support in the case of emotional diseases, fears, and anxiety. It concerns mostly the soldiers and inhabitants who survived the war, they health is under big risks so this treatment is primarily for them. The second group of citizens is big businessmen guiding huge enterprises who are suffering from everyday tension. They live watching one’s back, their existence is not calm and peaceful.
  • This kind of music helps even when somebody is fighting the drug or alcohol dependence. The present category of citizens requires the professional aid, it is difficult to reintegrate into the society thus the tambourine purposes the reinforcement of their communicative skills and social activity.
  • The drums serve in the treatment of a large range of mental illnesses.
  • It is unbelievable but the instrument improves the memory of people suffering from the Alzheimer disease.

National Hug A Drummer Day

In a matter of fact, can one deny the evident importance of this anniversary? To know what day is National Hug a Drummer Day in 2024 means not only appreciate the art of musical performance but it is to take profit of the musical set as a unique way of health improvement.

Facts and traditions of the feast

As we have already understood, the sounds of the musical instrument influence our lives healthy. It gives quite a few psychological well-being as they are as follows:

  • First of all, it upgrades the feelings of adequacy and the self-estimation
  • Then, there is a scientific method to make people concentrate only on the beat of drums. When you hear it, you forget about your problems, fears, and troubles, it allows you to have some rest.
  • Pirkko L. Graves was a scientist who dedicated all his life working in the emotional sphere. He discovers that men and women who were used to suppress emotions are sixteen times more susceptible to the development of cancer than those who freely express their feelings. If you hide inside you all you feel and think, it is ruinous for you and may lead even to the death. As the remedy, he proposed to listen to the drum set and with its every beat a person must express himself and tell the world about his convictions.
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How do people commemorate the holiday of drummers? Well, this day remains an amazing chance to feel beautiful through music so do not miss the possibility to visit a concert or a musical performance. Pay attention to people at the backstage because they also take part in the event and create talented music. What is more, it is their professional feast. If you can, greet drummers with the time and wish them luck. Another good stuff is to learn a bit of their profession. Ask them for some master class or subscribe in special courses where people are taught by musicians to play drums. Discover something new during this anniversary. Enrich your vision of the world because the beneficial experience is never useless. It appears that the moment when is National Hug a Drummer Day in 2024 is a time relied on drummers in the calendars but still, you can continue its celebration and enjoy the harmonic atmosphere of the music.


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