Origami is a definitely old kind of art. Nevertheless, the majority of people got the information about the art several centuries ago. This kind of art is a very complicated one. Lots of people canโ€™t make any piece of it. Nevertheless, the interest to it is continuing to increase nowadays. More and more children attend various groups where they are taught to make different hand-made pieces. They can create something special to any holiday in the calendar. They can even make a card for their mothers on the mother day. The art is so interesting that people even created a special occasion to follow the traditions. When is National Mother’s Day Origami in 2025?


History of origami started many centuries ago in China. It began when the Sung Dynasty ruled. It was used for funerals when all made representations were burnt. The tradition of burning origami is still observed.

The Japanese traditions of this art were described in the last 17th century. It was used for weddings. These things were traditionally used as presents during holidays. People gave them to each other to express their feelings. There were lots of variants. Nowadays people also present them for many holidays.

European tradition concerned napkin-folding. It got its popularity in the 17th century. The tradition ended in the late 18th century. The public stopped using it emphasizing porcelain. Nowadays a few persons can fold napkins with certain creativity.

Origami Flower for Mother's Day

In European tradition of folding napkins certain methods are still observed in various noble restaurants and cafes. It is a symbol of nobility.

The traditions of paper-folding simultaneously appeared in some territories. The 18th century was the time when the boundaries among Western and Eastern customs slightly mixed. Thus, the variety of patterns went to the common use only in the 20th centuries. The complexity of the models is increasing nowadays. It is explained by the great interest to the art. Mathematical approach to origami is widely developed in the world.

In the modern culture of many countries the art is considered to be a sign of hope and love. Lots of people in hospitals make different fissures which symbolize the hope for life. People take different materials to make a figure, especially napkins, cloth, dollar bills, paper and others.

โ€œWhat day Mother’s Day Origami in 2025?โ€ Itโ€™s on the 11th of November.


What does Mother’s Day Origami mean for every person? The day isnโ€™t very famous among the majority of people. They can take information from the internet. Nevertheless, it is very symbolic, because every figure is a symbol.

The aim of the day is to develop creativity and mental abilities. Itโ€™s also the reason to give a dear person a present which is the reflection love and concern. Children are usually proposed to make a present to their mothers. It is always a real surprise to them. A child can prepare a small card for his or her mother to express the feelings and show imagination.

The day has a great idea concerning the development of creativity among children. There are many competitions which are provided across the world. It is high time to spend time with mother and sisters creating new forms. The day is important due to its aim and purposes. It is developed to bring love and hope to the peopleโ€™s hearts. It is the time when people can give hope to men and women in need. Itโ€™s time to make donations and other good deeds.

When is International Mother’s Day Origami 2025? Itโ€™s on the 11th of November.


The word has got its etymology from the Japanese words. It is considered to start in Japan. That is why the parts of the word derive from this language. It is a combination of two parts โ€œfoldingโ€ and โ€œpaperโ€. People always associate this art with Japan. The term became famous in the beginning of the 20th century.

The term of origami has a traditional explanation in many dictionaries. It is considered to be the ways of folding paper into a fancy figure. It is also a thing which was made in such a way.

Nowadays people from many countries practice various materials and name the technique as origami. It is no matter what the origin of the practice is. It has got the common goal which is followed by many methods.

Originally it is the technique of folding paper. Masters take a flat peace of it and then fold it in a form of a bird or another creature. It is considered a good taste when people donโ€™t use glue, cuts and other instruments. This method of creating figures is named as โ€œkirigamiโ€. It is referred to China.

The development of this art made it possible to share techniques among each other. The day opens the boundaries between them and brings joy and calmness to the public. What is the date of Mother’s Day Origami 2025? The occasion is set on the 11th of November.


The date is a great chance for everybody to follow this interesting tradition. Every person can try to fold a form without any help. Itโ€™s usually done due to the internet. Though, such masters should understand that they need to have great imagination and will. It is a rather complicated affair. If you canโ€™t even make a direct line yourself, you should try to get help.

Origami Flower Ball

Individuals who can make an interesting figure are always very popular among their friends and relatives. So, why not do a special party where everybody can try their abilities. There is no matter what patterns are to be taken. Every guest can choose a variant which suitable for him. A form or level of complicacy is always an individual choice.

At the end of a party people can make a festival of flying birds or butterflies. Lots of ideas are widely presented in the internet. Every group can choose the most suitable one.

Women can take a chance and spend much time with their children on the day. They can imagine a story and make several characters from it. A puppet theatre can be a great idea. Every puppet can be made from paper.

Various charitable groups propose origami festivals. They are the way to get some money for ill or disabled children or adults. These figures can always be the symbol. Try to find information through the request โ€œWhen is Mother’s Day Origami in 2025, calendar of events?โ€ and take part in it.

National Mother’s Day Origami Facts

  1. The word has the same symbol in Japanese as the phrase โ€œspirit of godโ€. Thatโ€™s why, figures often were used in religious occasions.
  2. The form of a fish was a sign of a good luck for the Samurai.
  3. According to the legend, if a person folds 1000 cranes, he would have a realized wish.
  4. Cutting is not acceptable in the traditional origami.
  5. Thereโ€™re almost 15 international organizations which are devoted to this kind of art.
  6. The first association was founded in the United Kingdom in 1967.
  7. More than 250 thousand cranes were made in the memory of Hiroshima. The act was devoted to its 50th Every crane had an inscription with a name of a dead person and a message to him.
  8. The oldest picture where origami was reflected dates to 1490.
  9. The art is a subject of many mathematical studies.


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