World No Wi-Fi Day

On November 8, residents of different countries celebrate the World Day without Wi-Fi. For a day, humanity is offered to give up using a wireless connection to the Internet. The purpose of the holiday is to raise the awareness of the world society about the probable risks to the body due to the constant use of the global network, to direct people to “live” communication and to distract them from sites, blogs, messengers, etc., even for a day.

The celebration of the holiday was proposed in 2016 by the International Federation of Environmental Defenders FAI, registered in Venezuela. This day allows users of wireless technologies to make a physical, mental, emotional “reboot”. Wi-Fi as an innovative technology was developed in 1999 by Nokia and Aironet, then bought by Cisco. The created alliance of corporations was called WECA and registered a new method of Wi-Fi data transmission.


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