World Day Against Species Discrimination

June 5 became a holiday for animal rights activists, because this date was announced World Day Against Species Discrimination. It is understood that one biological species should not suppress others.

The history of the Day of Combating Species Discrimination

For the first time, this idea was developed in his works by the British writer Richard Ryder. She was supported by Peter Singer, who wrote the book “Animal Liberation”, which until recently is considered the best work on the topic of animal protection.

The main purpose of the event

The purpose of the holiday is to draw society’s attention to animals that do not have the opportunity to protect themselves from human cruelty. We are talking not only about the sadism of individual personalities, but also about the abuse of our smaller brothers on fur farms, slaughterhouses, in circuses and laboratories.

  • Animal rights activists argue that species oppression, like racism or sexism, has no place in a civilized society.

World Day Against Species Discrimination


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