Potato day
It is celebrated annually on August 17 in the United States National Potato Day – one of the most popular vegetable crops in the world.
Interesting about potatoes
- Potato not only a cheap vegetable, but also very nutritious.
- Only on dishes from it, you can easily eat for a whole month, without feeling either hunger or lack of nutrients.
- Potatoes were first eaten as early as 7,000 years ago in Peru and Bolivia. After domestication, the vegetable began to spread throughout the world and took an honorable place on the tables of Americans.
- Potatoes can be found in almost every everyday dish.
- In the world, potatoes rank 5th in yield after wheat, corn, rice and sugar cane.
How to celebrate this day?
Potato Day is a great opportunity to celebrate this healthy and delicious vegetable. You can do this by posting on social networks, talking about its benefits, or sharing interesting facts or stories about potatoes.
They celebrate this day in a special way – they prepare a variety of potato dishes for themselves, their family and friends. It can be prepared this day for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can enjoy both refined dishes and simple, but beloved by many chips and french fries. Connoisseurs of experiments even prepare desserts from this root vegetable.