When is International Happy Independence Day in 2024? โ€“ Can you answer this question immediately and without any hesitations? As a rule, people do not reply even under the condition you give them some minutes to think about it. This holiday is called an international one, but in practice, it is held only in India. However, to tell you the truth, the representatives of this country as well as the descendents from these territories, celebrate this holiday even staying or living abroad.

Today we are going to tell you something amazing about it. Why? โ€“ The explanation is quite simple. โ€“ We donโ€™t want you to confuse it with the similar and much more popular American holiday.  


Discovering the matter what day Happy Independence Day in 2024 is, we canโ€™t but mention the historical background of the event. Of course, the date was chosen not occasionally.

On this day, but in the distance 1947, the particular and very essential Independence Act came into effect. Immediately after it, over the walls of the Red Fort in the capital city of Delhi, the prime minister, called Jawaharlal Nehru, raised the tricolor flag of the independent Asian country. Of course, this honorable person was not alone during the ceremony. Actually, he did it surrounded by a huge crowd of people. Thus, in such a simple way, a new stage in the history of the ancient country was started.

Not everybody knows that in 1950, until the proclamation of India as a republic, this occasion was the only national holiday. It was an official day off of all government agencies, as well as private enterprises. After that the situation changed significantly.

By the way, for some years, since 1947 and up to 1949 a military parade was held in the capital on this occasion. Unfortunately, nowadays it is impossible to watch it.


What does Happy Independence Day mean? โ€“ Frankly speaking, we canโ€™t even predict whether you would like this holiday or not. In the modern society there are a lot of people, who have never heard about this occasion existence. And even under the condition you have already found out about it, you may be a representative of another territory, so you would see no sense to be involved into the holiday celebration.

According to data published in a particular United Nations report, in 2019 the corresponding diaspora was 17.5 million. Well, the amazing thing is that this number puts the Asian republic in first place for this indicator. At the same time, the global amount of global migrants was 272 million people. Taking into account these pieces of information it is possible to come to the conclusion that there are a lot of people worldwide, who are happy to celebrate this special occasion annually.


Actually, it is impossible to answer the question โ€œWhat is the date of Happy Independence Day in 2024?โ€ without introducing some clarifications. As it had been already mentioned above Independence Day has been celebrated since 1947. The various kinds of events are held throughout the country. Schoolchildren usually dress up in traditional clothes and prepare theatrical performances

However, not everything was as simple as it may seem at first sight. The corresponding document about the country independence was adopted on the night. It was not a daytime. Asian state became an independent state after the British Parliament signed the particular Independence Act.

In winter 1947, Clement Attlee, who obtained the position of British Prime Minister, made an expected announcement. Following it, the government would give it the independence. However, at the same time the parliament divided India into two independent states. It was done on the religious background: Muslim and Hindu – Pakistan and India.


When is Happy Independence Day in 2024, calendar will surely remind you. As a rule, there are no problems with memorizing it. The holiday has a fixed date of its celebration. It is usually held on August 15th and it happens annually.

On this day the flag raising ceremony is held in the most parts of contemporary cities and villages in India. The ritual of giving speeches is made by local politicians and mayors. In fact, all official speeches are united by some special words, which are more or less typical. Initially, the authorities introduce something from the rich history, and after that remind their audience about the difficult path of the country in the constant struggle for independence.

On the occasion of the holiday, the state governors usually organize wide celebrations. Solemn meetings are also organized by a number of various kinds of organizations, both semi-governmental and public.

Today, Independence Day is held all around the planet. The most typical parts of it are mass celebrations, festive processions and official speeches. We can’t but mention that it is usually celebrated by all citizens, regardless of nationality or religion. The holiday symbolizes the strong desire of democratic India to strengthen the country unity and intercommunal disunity. In such a way people are going to overcome the remaining feudal remnants.

Are you going to be involved as well? Frankly speaking, it is up to you to decide how to do it properly. All in all you are always free to join any parade or merry celebration organized in your place of living. If it is impossible, just devote this day to India. It deserves your time. You may watch a movie about the country, read something interesting or discuss the chosen matter with your close surrounding. The choices are endless.

Happy Independence Day Facts

Investigating the question โ€œWhat is the date of Happy Independence Day in 2024?โ€ we came to the conclusion that our followers would like to know why and when India became dependant from Britain.

The British Empire is a state with a huge number of colonies and India was one of them. The territory came under colonial dependence on Great Britain after the Seven Years War. Despite the fact that the Seven Years’ War was fought in Europe, England, France, and other European powers fought for spheres of influence in various colonial territories. France also claimed territory in southern Asia, but was forced to retreat. As a result of the Seven Years’ War, control over India, as well as over all of southern Asia as a whole, was gained by England.

England did not immediately begin to turn India into its colonial possession. The main role was played by the British East India Company, created at the very beginning of the 17th century. It was created in order to organize British trade and to protect British colonial trade economic interests in this region of the world.

Despite the fact that the British did not formally control the territory of India, the East India Company carried out economic management there. At the same time, India retained its formal independence. The Mughal Empire continued to exist there.

There were local small principalities, of which there were several hundred by the beginning of the 20th century. The rajis (princes), the leaders of these principalities, retained their own political influence and controlled the territory of their country themselves. From an economic point of view, all of India was subordinated to the British Empire.


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