Google’s birthday
September 15 is celebrated Google’s birthday. The generation born after the 2000s doesn’t even know that there was a time when there was no Google search engine. And it all started with the student days of Larry Page and Sergey Brin. It was on September 15, 1997 that two Stanford students applied to register the domain “”.
According to the authors, the name arose by accident when one of them incorrectly reproduced the mathematical term “googol” on paper. According to another version, the name is interpreted as “go to see” from the combination of the two words “go” and “ogle”. Almost a year later, on September 4, Google Inc. was founded.
Currently, Google is the most popular search engine, and for many people it is a source of information and answers to all questions. The company has offices in Europe, Asia and North America. Many companies use Google’s search ideas in their work and successfully apply them. Thanks to the constant introduction of new technologies, Google still has no equal competitors.