Fibonacci day

Every year on November 23, the world celebrates Fibonacci Day. The date of the celebration is chosen in honor of the beginning of the series of Fibonacci numbers: 1, 1, 2, 3, (N-1)+(N-2), ….

The series of numbers named after him was created by Leonardo of Pisa, who lived in Pisa from about 1175 to 1250. Leonardo of Pisa (this is how he signed his works) introduced the use of Arabic numerals and the zero sign, the decimal system, and modern positional arithmetic. The main achievements of Leonardo are considered to be the “Book of Abacus” (a practical mathematical guide) and the Fibonacci sequence (the name was formed from two Italian words: figlio Bonacci, which translates as “son of Bonacci” – that was the name of Leonardo’s father).

Fibonacci numbers have proven extremely useful to society in various fields of activity: trade, photography, painting, biology, mathematics, etc.

Interesting Facts

  • The most famous book written by Leonardo of Pisa under the nickname Fibonacci is the Book of Abacus. In the 12th chapter, he asks a riddle about two rabbits that give birth every month. Thanks to this problem, the whole world learned about Fibonacci numbers.
  • This unofficial holiday is celebrated on November 23 not by chance. This date was chosen based on the sequence of numbers in the Fibonacci sequence, which begins with 1, followed by 1, 2 and 3. According to the calendar format adopted in the West, the month (11) is written first, followed by the day (23).
  • Leonardo da Vinci not only used the Fibonacci sequence in the creation of his masterpiece “Vitruvian Man”, but also claimed that these famous numbers, which have come to us through mathematics, govern the entire universe.
  • In Italy, even now, a scientific magazine called “Fibonacci Numbers” is published. Scientists from all over the world write articles for him. They note that even now something new is constantly being discovered in this sequence.
  • Leonardo of Pisa was the scientist who replaced the inconvenient and cumbersome Roman numerals with Arabic numerals and introduced the decimal number system in Europe.

Fibonacci day
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