Day of the gerontologist

Gerontologist Day is celebrated on October 1. Gerontology is a science that studies the internal processes of human aging and ways to combat it. Scientists are investigating diseases affecting age-related changes and the possibilities of their treatment.

Gerontology as a science appeared at the end of the 19th century, and the specialty of a geriatrician was distinguished as a separate discipline almost a hundred years later.

  • According to statistical data, the number of young people in developed countries has been decreasing rapidly over the last 10 years. Instead, the number of elderly people is increasing. Now there are more than 700 million such people in the world.

Everyone’s desire to stay young and healthy inspires gerontologists to work to increase knowledge about aging.

Thanks to modern methods of combating complex body processes, elderly people feel younger. They lead an active and healthy lifestyle, which gives them the opportunity to be full members of society.

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