The best way to make children good is to make them happy.
Oscar Wilde
Lucky for the children whose parents have read at least something from the submitted selection. Books for parents, but actually for children. Read for the sake of your children, something will definitely agree, something will definitely help you and your child*. So our selection is for parents, for future parents, for all children.
Parenthood requires a lot of wisdom, courage, patience and, most importantly, love not only for children, but for oneself.
Often, we inherit a lack of parental love from generation to generation. There is an opportunity to eliminate it and fill the relationship with feelings, kindness and warmth. This requires action and will, the desire to change something, this is powerful for an adult and so important for a child.
Start by reading books, looking for answers to questions that arise on the path of life.
A selection of books for parents
- “Language of life. Nonviolent Communication” Marshall Rosenberg
- “It didn’t start with you. How we inherit our family’s negative scenarios and how to stop their influence” Mark Wallin
- “Freedom to study. Game against school” Peter Gray
- “Secret support. Emotional connection in a child’s life” Lyudmila Petranovska
- “How to talk so that children listen, and how to listen so that children speak” Adele Faber
- “Communicate with the child. As?” Yu. Hippenreiter
- “We continue to communicate with the child. So?” Yu. Hippenreiter
- “Practical child care” Svetlana Roiz
- “Magic wand for parents” Svetlana Roiz
- “Education with freedom” Alexander Neill
- “Don’t program the child” Roberta Cavallo, Antonio Panarese
- “Don’t shout at the children!” Daniele Novara
- “Five ways to a child’s heart” Gary Chapman
*Katrich for all children, especially the inner child!