Canada is a majestic and powerful country, having in its arsenal various festive days. All Canadian holidays can be divided into 2 groups: those holidays, which coincide with the majority of the generally recognized festivals in the world, and those that are celebrated only in Canada. Among them, you can find statutory holidays, national, official and unofficial ones. Still, no matter what holiday it is, Canadians are very fond of all the events and activities in their country, especially if it is also a day off.

Speaking of Canadian statutory holidays in 2017 there are more than 10 of them, so in Canada almost every month is marked with a definite feast.

Good Friday

Just recently Family Day has passed and most of the Canadians have managed to spend that day in the company of their loved ones enjoying homemade cookies and hot chocolate. The next holiday is Good Friday, however, it can hardly be called a holiday since it is regarded as the darkest day of the year. Its date depends on the church calendar, but annually this day is an official and paid day off. Good Friday, preceding Easter is dedicated to the memory of the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. Nothing must disturb this day. Communication is kept to a minimum, and the necessary things are done thoughtfully and quietly; it’s a day of mourning. Traditionally, Catholics wear black clothes, hide mirrors, blow out candles, refuse any entertainment and distractions, and spend all day in the great solemnity.

Canadian stat holidays 2017


Easter in Canada is one of the most favorite children’s holiday since they have an opportunity to taste chocolate eggs, which are brought by the Easter Bunny. Canada is the only country in which rabbits are the major competitors for Santa Claus because many children write a letter to the Easter Bunny and order the presents.In general, the celebration of Easter is confined to the task for children to find the eggs, hidden by parents in the garden or house. Though some Canadians want more from this holiday and make the Eastern Parade. This year it will be the 51st time of holding the parade.

Mother’s Day and Father’s Day

Amid 2017 stat holidays in Canada we also find Mother’s Day. On the 14th of May, women will finally get their well-earned rest. Mothers are given presents and are made some pleasant surprises. Family members prepare some tasty treats and serve breakfast for mom in bed. They do all her duties, and for a mother, there is only one permissible thing – to open the door on hearing the ring of a messenger and receive presents and flowers.

Logically, if there is Mother’s Day there should be also Father’s Day. This is a very popular men’s holiday, celebrated on June 18. Grown children visit their fathers, arrange dinners and joint trips with them. They try to express their gratitude to their fathers in different ways: helping with household chores, giving presents and the traditional for this holiday red roses.

The Queen’s Day

On the 22nd of May, we also expect Victoria Day. This holiday has a symbolic meaning, and in some regions, this day is called The May Long Weekend. However, it is not marked with great events, and usually, the city dwellers spend it in the countryside.

National Aboriginal Day

National Aboriginal Day is also in the list of Canadian stat holidays 2017. On the 21st of June, all the inhabitants of this country can learn about the cultural heritage and the contemporary situation of Aborigines in Canada, that is Indian tribes, northern peoples, and mestizos.

The date was chosen not by chance. That same day, many indigenous peoples of the North American continent celebrate the day of the solstice, arranging different activities.There will be summer festivals, charity barbecue, free concerts with the performance of traditional and modern music, singing and dancing. You will be able to see the ceremony of putting out the sacred fire and try traditional food in Aboriginal Day — fried bread and goose stew.

Quebec holiday

On the 23rd of June, the Canadian province of Quebec celebrates St.Jean-Baptiste Day, also known as Day of the French-Canadian culture. Despite the fact that nowadays the feast has a political character, the residents of Quebec and Montreal celebrate it with concerts, fireworks and folk festivals.

Discovery Day

3 days later there will be Discovery Day, being recognized by the Canadian provinces of Newfoundland and Labrador. It has an unusual way of celebration since on that day many Canadians set out for Newfoundland town of Bonavista to explore the historical sites. In addition, this year in the city there will be held a children’s parade, a show of amateur talent, and motorcade, involving more than one hundred cars.

The Independence Day

The major national statutory holiday in Canada is Canada Day (the 1st of July). The celebration of this event is accompanied by parades, fireworks, carnivals, concerts, and is held in all cities and villages of the country. Ottawa is distinguished with special pomposity — the city is decorated with Canadian flags and symbolic colors are red and white, there is the ceremony of presenting Canadian citizenship to the new residents of the country, and the most important event — a gathering inhabitants and city visitors on Parliament Hill. The holiday offers a good chance to taste traditional food – pancakes with maple syrup.

Canadian stat holidays 2017 calendar

Labor Day

The government of Canada also hasn’t forgotten to include the Labor Day in the list of Canada statutory holidays 2017. If in Europe Labor Day falls on the very beginning of May being seen from the perspective of the history of the labor movement, the Canadians celebrate it on the 4th of September and view it just as an additional day off to go on a picnic, walk in national parks or simply visit relatives. On this day in Canadian cities, large agricultural fairs begin to work.


The tradition to remind of all the good things that happened the previous year and serve roast turkey, corn cobs and various dishes with pumpkin and pecan nuts is typical of Thanksgiving Day, which is celebrated on the 2nd Monday of October. The holiday is very soulful since, besides family dinners, there are also activities to please those who are not lucky in life. Charitable organizations are busy with helping homeless and penniless people. At subway stations, there are even tables where everyone can leave gifts for those who are in need.

Remembrance Day

On November 11 Remembrance Day is observed. It was established as the commemoration of the Canadian inhabitants, who died during the wars. On this day you may witness a special church ceremony and laying of wreaths at memorials. It is also called Poppy day due to the symbol of the holiday.


The most long-awaited holiday among Canadians is Christmas, imbued with the atmosphere of family warmth. Sending postcards, decorating Christmas tree, treating holiday dishes, waiting for Santa Claus, and giving presents are usual Christmas attributes. On the next day, the 26th of December there will be the so-called continuation of Christmas- Boxing Day. It goes without saying that Canadians go on eating Christmas food, visit their friends and, of course, give presents. You may enjoy spending time in festively decorated parks, singing Christmas songs and make a donation to the charity involved to help poor citizens.

So, in 2017 Canadian statutory holidays are expected to turn out more brilliant and memorable. Canada is rich in different events, and these very events bring people together and provide the opportunity to get away from daily routines. And they are sure not to interfere with our life, just the other way around — the more the better.


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