Every country has a number of holidays, which are observed throughout the year and they are dedicated to many different reasons, people and event. They are different depending on the country, but certainly, people keep to them all and every nation knows, why this or that holiday exist particularly in their area. Canada is one of those countries, which have a lot of different days to celebrate, which also have their own history and are really interesting. They attract not only native citizens but tourists all over the world because some of them have really bright and unusual celebrating. Further, in the article we will observe a list of such holidays and know when are Ontario statutory holidays in 2017.

Ontario stat holidays 2017

The list of main and most well known holidays

So, let’s observe some holidays, which are celebrated in Ontario in particular and which are statutory.

Here is the list of the main holidays and we will speak about each in brief to describe, what does each holiday mean.

  • So, let’s probably start with the beginning of the year, and as you may guess, we will speak about the New Year. As practically everywhere else, this holiday is observed on the first of January when people say goodbye to the previous year and meet the new year according to our usual calendar. This is a bright holiday, full of happiness. The streets and houses are decorated beautifully, people buy and decorate a Christmas Tree at their homes. They buy or make presents for their close people and make different celebrations at work ad home. It is an official holiday that is why people have a day off.
  • One more holiday, which will be observed next, is connected to the New Year and as you may guess, the speech will go on Christmas Day. It goes in several days before New Year and it is more a religious holiday. It is also connected with a new life, with new feelings and emotions. During this time people also prepare and buy Christmas trees and give presents to each other. Moreover, they visit churches and pray there. Churches are also decorated brightly to bring people a feeling of happiness. It is also one of Ontario stat holidays 2017.

  • As we have touched upon the religious topic, let’s observe one more holiday, dedicated to it. It is called Easter Monday and it is well known to all people, even for those, who are not good enough at religious traditions. Before this day, in particular, people try to get ready for it and have a strict fast. During Easter people prepare and decorate eggs, make different sweets in a shape of eggs. Different competitions, especially for children, are organized. For example, they may be asked to find hidden Easter Eggs in the yard or somewhere else. At this day it is also usually a tradition to visit the church and consecrate eggs and an Easter cake and eat it with the family.
  • Let’ move to one more provincial stat holidays of Ontario. It is called Boxing Day. This is one of those holidays, which is not celebrated everywhere. But in this particular province, it is made a statutory one. It is a special day after Christmas when people get and give present to each other. As it is understandable from the name, the gift is made in present boxes. It is a day off for all servants – those, who work, for example, in offices, banks and such like institutions. This holiday has a long history, beginning from the medieval times and even still people argue on its origin and how has it been developed.
  • One more important civic holiday of Ontario in 2017 for the whole country is Thanksgiving Day. It is a wide and well known holiday, which has long roots from the history. According to the tradition, people usually gather with their families and prepare a huge table with a lot of delicious meals. But there is one dish, which is a symbol of the holiday and is obligatory – it is a holiday turkey, which is cooked in the oven and is very tasty and delicious. Every member of the family must eat at least a small piece of it. Also, this day is full of parades, held throughout the country. People hang flags on their houses.

Ontario stat holidays 2017 calendar

  • One more 2017 Ontario public holiday is Family Day. The sense of it is understandable from its name. Building loving and caring families is one of the direction in the politics of the country and it pays much attention to it. As it is celebrated on Monday in February, people have an extra day off and have the opportunity to spend all the weekends together with their families and have fun and rest. It is a very important mission for every country to make families become strong and loving and grow up children in a good
  • Also, we should mention Canada Day. It is also understandable from the name, what is it all about. In other words, it can be called the birthday of the country. At this day many years ago Canada began its existing as a separate free and independent country with its laws and lifestyle. Such a day exists in every country and it is extremely important for its citizens.
  • One of the widespread holidays all over the world and in Ontario too is Labor Day. This holiday has a long and difficult history and was created when simple workers fought for their rights and freedoms. But now the situation has changed a lot of people changed their attitude and now they just have a chance to spend extra time for having fun and relaxing.

So, here was the list of main holidays, which are statutory holiday pay Ontario in 2017. But this list can also include some more holidays, which are also celebrated in the rest of the country and areas too.


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