“When is Colorado day in 2019?” – That is the question, which is asked by many people from all over the world, who are going to visit this American state. Frankly speaking, this information is considered to be rather useful and amazing, but to understand it properly you have to find out the peculiar features of the local history. First of all we would like to mention that as a result of numerous archaeological researches it was found that the territory of contemporary Colorado was inhabited even about eleven thousand years ago.

Before the Europeans arrived, the territory had been inhabitant by different Indian tribes. The ancient people pueblo lived in the south and south-west, Comanche – in the east, Shoshone – in the north and Utah in the west.

The first Europeans, who were exploring the region of the modern Colorado state, were the Spanish conquistadors. At the end of the XVI century the Spaniards turned the southern parts of Colorado into the province of Santa Fe de Nuevo Mexico. But according to the specialists’ points of view, it was rather a formal step, as the Spaniards, despite their numerous attempts, could not found the permanent settlements in this region. However, they were successful in trade with the Native Americans who inhabited the Colorado. The name of the State of Colorado has a Spanish origin. “Colorado” means “red” in Spanish. Why? – The matter is that the first researches saw the local landscapes in this shade.

Colorado Day

How was the state created?

In 1819 it was concluded a very special contract between the US and Spain. According to it, the United States acquired Florida, but the lands in the southwest, including the southern part of Colorado, were taken by the Spaniards.

Everything was changed in the late fifties of the XIX century, when precious gold mines were discovered in Colorado. The arriving of large numbers of people in Colorado caused the organization of local self-government.

On February 28, 1861 the fifteenth US President James Buchanan signed the famous law, adopted by the US Congress. According to it, Colorado Territory was established. However, the knowing of this fact can’t answer the question “When is Colorado Day 2019?” No, it is not on the last winter day, as many events were passed since that very moment, until the period when the decision was made. But it is necessary to mention that the administrative borders of the newly created territory coincide with the boundaries of the contemporary Colorado State. The creating the special Colorado territory helped the US government to control extremely rich region of the Rocky Mountains.

The very first administrative system

Colorado was the capital of the territory from 1861 to 1862. Nowadays it is a district of Colorado Springs. From 1862 to 1867 Golden City played the role of the main town and since 1867 Denver has been the capital.

The very first law project as the administrative organization of the state was introduced in Congress in 1864. But unfortunately it wasn’t adopted, as the citizens rejected the proposal to list the constitutional paragraphs of the future state.

The President Johnson rejected the petition of Colorado as to the establishment of the statehood on the territory. He motivated his decision by the fact that Colorado had been a home for too small amount of the population. However, the Congress approved the request. National Convention, which was organized in Denver, adopted the constitution draft of the future state. At that time the majority voted for the new law.

What is the date of Colorado Date 2019?

This special occasion happened once, on August 1, 1876. It happened 28 days after the American anniversary celebration. The eighteenth to the US President (at that time it was Ulysses Grant) signed a law, according to which this area was declared as the thirty-eighth US state.

Main symbol of the territory, its flag, was officially adopted some years later, in 1911. The red letter “C” painted on the canvas stands for the word “Colorado”, which can be translated from Spanish as “red.” The golden ball that is arranged inside the letter talks about the existence of gold mines. The blue and white flag stripes symbolize the exceptional natural beauty of this land, blue sky above and white snow below in the Rocky Mountains.

The coat of arms was adopted in 1877. The triangle, pictured on it, is all-seeing God’s eye. Also there are the symbols of the state mining industry, which brings the main income to the treasury. Here they are represented by soil and pick.

How to celebrate the Day of Colorado?

We have already discovered what day Colorado Day in 2019 is, that will be as usual on August 1. This date is constant and is celebrated every year without any exceptions. How can we meet this special day?

Colorado Day

First of all we should mention that August 1 is completely a state observance, but not, of course, the American public holiday. It simultaneously means that most companies and businesses as well as schools, colleges and universities are open. The only exception is when this date falls on the weekend or other non-working day.

Frankly speaking, on this day there is nothing special. Of course, some museums offer completely free public admissions. They organize interesting excursions or even performances for their visitors. People and numerous guests are able to know more about the history of the region.

In the Colorado state itself you can find a number of discounts and special deals given by local businesses. For example, you can purchase products or order the services cheaper and celebrate this special day together with your friends or relatives.

Why do people come to Colorado?

Every year thousands fans of winter sports come to Colorado to spend time skiing or skating under the bright blue sky. By the way, this place is considered to be an international one. The most famous mountain tourist areas are Aspen, Estes Park and Colorado Springs.

Not everybody knows but January 1, 2014 was the first day of legalized marijuana trade. That day was called “Green Wednesday” and was celebrated by the numerous Pot Parties. There were 25 points of sale, which obtained a license to sell the drug. A great number of customers queued there to get some. The demand was really great. For example, only Breckenridge Cannabis Club served about 1,500 clients instead of the previous 40.

So would you like to visit this state? You have some reasons, of course. They depend on personal preferences. But there are some dates, which can’t be missed. When is Colorado Day in 2019, calendar will tell you easily: it’s on Tuesday. Other dates are more or less similar with the rest part of the USA.


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