When is World Theater Day in 2019? This is a good question, which can be answered by many people all around the planet. Perhaps some of them are not ready to give you a definite reply as to the exact date, but they have heard about this special occasion existence. All in all it is a holiday for many millions of viewers all over the world. There are numerous festivals not only on the traditional stages, but also on open concert ones, creative evenings of outstanding artists, premieres of new performances and shows of the best productions. These events are held around the planet. And this is the reason to investigate the matter in details.


Discovering the matter what day National Theater Day in 2019 is, we can’t but mention the historical background of this event as well as the moments of this institution appearance in general.

All in all this history is estimated for thousands years, and the profession of actor/actress is considered to be almost the oldest on the planet. As early as 55 BC, a stone building was built in Rome, and artists came to its stage to play sketches, to read poems, and to tell the legends. Standard premises were always provided by a round arena, next to it there were places for spectators. In general, the construction resembled a modern circus.

The initiator of the holiday was the International Theater Institute, at the congress of which in 1961 it was decided that every year in all the countries March 27 will be celebrated as the international holiday. The main instigator in making this decision was the famous French playwright, artist and critic called Jean Cocteau.

theatrical masks


What does Theater Day mean? We are not sure that we can give you a certain answer to this question. Why is it so? – The matter is that this matter is considered to be rather personal and it is only up to you to decide whether the this piece of art is important for you or not. In general, we are almost sure that there are no people, who do not like it. In fact, nowadays there are many various directions of theoretical art that you can always choose something special just for yourself.

To tell you the truth, countries around the world have had their personal history of the theatrical art development. In the course of time, the traditions began to appear and up to the present there has been a huge amount of them. For example, in world culture, the theme of the Japanese kabuki is often touched upon, it is something unusual and unrepeatable. Artists wear bright clothes and use complicated make-up. The direction is characterized by the fact that the role is performed only by men, even if under the condition this role is a female one. It should be understood that this theater was founded in the 17th century by a girl who was a minister of the Okuni sanctuary, and in those days, instead of men, everything was made weaker sex.

In papers dated to the 11th century, skomorokhs were mentioned in Russia. They entertained the locals at the fair, thus more and more scenic activities began to appear.

Often this holiday is sometimes called Actor’s Day, but this is a mistake. This event was established for various workers of the theater, which are usually represented by the following professions:

  • administrators and scene technicians;
  • illuminators and sound technicians;
  • ticket-holders;
  • cloak room workers.


Investigating the question “When is International Theater Day 2019?” we would like to tell our readers as many pieces of amazing information as it is possible.

As it has been already mentioned above, this special occasion was introduced by the so-called International Theater Institute. It belongs to UNESCO and was formed in 1948. Up to the present moment the main and the unique goal of the event is to show the importance and the necessity of this sphere for the world society. The holiday was originated in 1962.

That was the moment when the Ministry of Information Technologies put forward a proposal to form a new holiday. It should be emphasized that it is significant for everyone who is connected with this area, in mind there are directors and scriptwriters, ticket operators, prompter, make-up artists etc. As you can see, the history of this holiday appearance is rather saturated.


When is Theater Day in 2019, calendar will surely remind you. Even being unofficial, the special occasion is celebrated on the state level that is why you won’t forget about its existence.

As it has been already mentioned above, the event is celebrated every year on March 27th and not only by theater workers, but by theatergoers themselves. All attention is focused on performances, high-profile premieres, where world celebrities usually take part. Sometimes the initiative groups organize performances in ordinary urban areas. In the megacities for many years the theater-goers have made staging in the parks. Fans of this kind of art expressed sincere gratitude for everything they see this day.

Among the many activities, of course, is the so-called Open Day. The solution is interesting because fans can learn more about how actors live, uncover the secrets of the troupe and also take a walk outside the stage, even in a banal sense of how the collective rehearses, go to the dressing room and so on. Often there is a chance to assess the reverse side of this profession. On March 27th many pupils and students go to the theater. Officials congratulate personally all the actors as well as the ordinary institution workers, award the best performers, giving them titles and diplomas.


Many performances can be viewed for free or at great discounts. An important element of the action is the opportunity to look behind the scenes, to get acquainted with the inside of the actor’s work, to see that behind each masterpiece there is a long, hard work of the whole theatrical collective.

National Theater Day Facts

Trying to remind our readers the answer to the question “What is the date of World Theater Day in 2019?” we would also like to demonstrate some amazing pieces of information.

This popular festival has its own traditions all around the planet. For example, nowadays it has become popular for famous actors, directors, figures of world culture to come to the theatrical community.

During special seminars, organized on March 27th the activists of the direction touch upon the most important issues and problems in this opinion, suggest new ways to overcome them, raise profound philosophical questions, and answer them from the theater’s point of view.

Another tradition – honoring the best representatives of the profession, solemn events are held both at the state level and at the federal level.

In addition, many theaters hold their own awards and honors ceremonies. Congratulations are received not only by the company’s troupes or the management of the theater, but by the whole staff, from directors and art directors to stage lighters and cloakroom attendants.

Participation in the World Theater Day is accepted not only by professional actors, but also by future stars, students of theatrical higher education institutions of different countries. Many theatrical institutes prepare amazing performances for the holiday, mainly modern interpretations of classical works are offered. Students are happy to organize and to hold the so-called theme nights for teachers, students of other courses, schoolchildren and everyone who wants to get acquainted with the young generation.


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