Among many interesting religious holidays people can name Candlemas. That strange title of the occasion is explained in the Bible. Christians observe three occasions. Many people do not pay attention to this date, though it’s widely celebrated in the Christian religion. This occasion observes to Christ’s early years. When is National Candlemas Day in 2018? How do Christians hold the event?


This observance is a very ancient tradition. Lots of countries used to observe this holiday many centuries ago. The occasion recognized Brigid. She was considered the God whose jurisdiction was fertility and purification. People in the early times made a march in the field. The procession prayed for a following great harvest. They blessed ancient Brigid. People asked her to give the healthy soil.

The observance was later held by the Romans. They observed the event to honour Lupercus. He had similar responsibilities as Brigid. He gave the people light and fertility when they planted their fields.

The event also became an ordinary observance in the Christianity. It’s thought to be the symbol of light. Besides, the date was recognized as The Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Christianity. Another title is The Feast of the Presentation of our Lord Jesus.

Traditionally Christians have been lighting every candle that have been represented in every church. Those candles were lightened all the year round in order to get blessing. Nowadays the event is the symbol of hope and light. This observance is the reason to bless Christ and ask him to bless his worshippers. “What day Candlemas Day in 2018?” This event is set on February, 2.



What does Candlemas Day mean for the Christianity? The Christians usually focus on the first years of Christ. As to the traditions of Christianity, Mary followed the purification that lasted 40 days. It’s a period when every female has to follow after the childbirth. The Christ’s mother presented the child to God. It happened at Jerusalem Temple. Christians believe that Simeon led that presentation. He predicted that Christ would be a source of enlightenment for Gentile. It’s the reason of the holiday’s genesis.

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Besides the Christian traditions, the observance is thought to be traced to Roman and Gaelic festivals. Historians admit that those feasts weren’t substituted by Candlemas. The dates of these observances are different. There’s a conviction that those festivals were held for welcoming warm days.

The holiday is the reflection of Jerusalem’s holiday which started in the 300-400s. As to the old writings admit, the people of Jerusalem started celebrating the festival on February, 14. Lots of churches recognize this holiday purification. Several churches observe the presentation of God’s son. When is International Candlemas Day 2018? This observance is set on February, 2.


It’s difficult to define the real meaning of the day especially for people of other religions. Non-religious people are to read about the tradition to understand it. This term isn’t very widespread. If you aren’t a real Christian, you might not understand what you should do during this observance.

The situation seems difficult because there’re many titles of this observance. Lots of Christian churches across the world accept this holiday as the presentation of the child to God. Other representatives of Christianity think it’s the end of Mary’s purification.

Despite the variety of this holiday’s name, it’s generally accepted that the occasion is the symbol of enlightenment of worshippers of different religions. The event is observed across the world with candles which are usually blessed at the ceremonies.

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The origin of its title goes back to the 1100s. In the Christian tradition this occasion thought is considered to be one of 4 holy days. Some countries observe this holiday in another way. They watch of groundhog’s behavior.

What is the date of Candlemas Day 2018? It’s observed on February, 2.


This event isn’t a public observance in lots of territories. Nevertheless, real Christian worshippers prefer to observe this occasion.

The Christian believers stick to a strict order which was set lots of centuries ago. There’re hundreds of candles which are lit in churches throughout the world. It’s the tradition of enlightenment which is a symbol of the process of purifying.

Churchmen are in the head of the march. They carry lit candles in their arms. After the procession these candles are used as blessed ones. Europeans make crepes. They are especially popular among Frenchmen.

The process of making crepes is very funny. A person has to hold a coin in his hand. There is a belief that this tradition can make a person happy and wealthy for a whole year. This tradition says that every family member has to prepare his own crepe. People from Spanish-speaking countries name the holiday Candelaria. Those who find a figure of a baby in the Kings Cake on January, 6th, have to cook meals for February, 2nd.

Christians take beeswax candles and visit local churches. The candles are blessed. Later they are used at homes. Many Christian worshippers prefer to leave their homes decorated with Christmas décor until Candlemas. That’s why the holiday can be a reason to take decorations away. The best way of celebrating the day is to join the festive procession and mess.

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Spending the time with family members is most suitable way of celebrating the occasion. Churches can be attended in the morning. Evening is a great time for family dinner. Crepes are to be among festive meals. The event is a great reason to make plans for the following year. Some light ideas can come into your mind. If a person plants a good thing, he will get the best outcome.

When is Candlemas Day in 2018, calendar of events? A worshipper can celebrate the occasion on February, 2nd.

National Candlemas Day Facts

  1. You’ll find this holiday in the Christian calendar on February, 2nd.
  2. It’s a mostly pagan event, though it’s a religious occasion.
  3. There are different names of the event as to the territorial customs. The Spanish variant is Candelaria, the French variant is La Chandeleur.
  4. Crepes can be prepared mainly in Spain.
  5. French title of this holiday is translated as Crepes Day.
  6. A crepe is a symbol of the Sun. It’s a symbol of spring coming.
  7. Shallow pans are used for cooking crepes.
  8. Dwellers of the mountainous areas in Europe used the word “Chandelours” to name the occasion.
  9. The holiday is used for observing two events: the purification and the presentation.
  10. You can watch several pictures in the international museums. One of the masterpieces was painted in the 1600s by Simon Vouet. It’s in Louvre Museum nowadays.
  11. The word “February” has the Latin origin. It meant “to purify”.
  12. If you follow the occasion, light every candle in your house.
  13. French people say that winter can die or become stronger on the day.
  14. If you find dew, winter will certainly end.


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